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I didn't wanted to go to college the next day so I planned to skip going there with the excuse that I was not feeling good but later I got a message from Flora that we needed to be there since some official can come to check. I got up really grumpily. It sucked knowing that the guy you like, liked you back but because of your stupid-ness now he doesn't.

When I reached there was Ryan again trying to convince Ethan to attend hi get together. When he saw me , he ditched Ethan and came to me. Telling me tthat I should try to convince him instead. Poor guy thought that I still had some sort of influence over him.

"Come on I wanted introduce Julia to everyone as my girlfriend" Ryan whined to me.

"Iris on your corner now" Ethan yelled from behind us.

I sighed and went to my corner after taking some colors. All the while Ryan followed me making some jokes about something and asking me random things.

In life you met thousand who play different role in there. Sometimes you may try to give them a certain role according to your preference but honestly them doing that or just being there would simply make you miserable because they are destined to be something else. Like Ryan I don't think I would be this happy if he was anything than I friend to me.

I kept working there for an hour with ryan just being there next to me now asking about ideas for their one month anniversary.

"IRIS" I knew this voice. It was lia. I looked up and there was lia standing. I ran to her and hugged her. We haven't met in weeks now.

"How come you are here" I asked her still in the hug.

"I needed people to model for me so that I could get done with this thing" she explained, "You and Ryan came to my mind. Thank goodness I found both of you here"

"Let's take Ethan too" another voice came.

I didn't notice that there was also someone else. Not just someone but Rachel.

"okay" lia said.

I was waiting in the dressing room for lia to tell me to come out so that I could get my pictures clicked.

"Okay Iris you can come out now" Lia said.

I came out and Ryan was already standing there in front of the camera. He was looking good in his costume. I stood up on the platform where Jacob instructed us into poses and clicked our pictures. It was a pretty fast process totally not worth all that convincing. Lia and Rachel had to beg both of these guys to do this and looking at it now I don't even know what all that fuss was for since he looked more comfortable in front of the camera than me.

Next came Ethan and he looked ethereal in his costume. But disappointment was that there next to him Rachel looked quickly pretty. They both posed for the camera so effortlessly. Totally complimenting each other.

"are they a couple?" someone said behind me.

"they would look perfect together if they were"

"I think they already are I mean look at them"

I moved from there going back in the dressing room to change and head back to my home. I came out of the dressing room and was instantly dragged by Lia.

"We are going to the get-together, even Ethan is" she said as she dragged me where everyone was.

"I will get going then" Rachel said to lia when we reached there.

"why come with us" Lia invited her. I was looking at her and she was ignoring my glares. Rachel looked at me and then at Ethan who gave her a small smile.

"okay" she said.

The whole walk there was a torture because lia kept apologizing because she had forgot about Rachel and ryan was just doing something on his phone and then showing it to lia finally quieting her. Ethan being totally occupied by Rachel laughing with her and maybe it was just me but Rachel is really touchy with ethan. I was slowly losing all my energy to even be here.

When we reached there, Ryan said that since he had something to say he will give everyone their seats.

"Ryan we aren't in middle school you know that" Jacob said that.

"since you just said that I am placing you away from lia" ryan said while laughing. But true to his word he did exactly that.

Nonetheless I was happy with my seat. I was seating with ethan and lia on my side.

Food arrived, ryan told us about his relationship, we ate but throughout all this Ethan was awfully quiet. He would occasionally laugh at one of the jokes but other than that he was quiet.

After a while, Julia asked for drinks and started some drinking games. This girl really liked games. I was getting bored of them. I got up and just came out for some fresh air. I stood there for a while before deciding to go back in.

What I saw there, crushed my soul, Rachel had taken my seat close to ethan. I didn't wanted to ruin it for ryan so I took her seat next to ryan. He looked at me and gave me a sad smile. Later I only focused on drinking until I passed out but somehow that was just not happening today.

But after sometime atleast I started getting sleepy and hazy.

Even after this I remember that then Jacob was showing the picture to Julia she had said that ethan and Rachel looked like a perfect couple. I closed my eyes after that just letting sleep consume me so that I could forgot about all the things. 

The Guy in the AlleyWhere stories live. Discover now