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Last night other than the whole thing with Ryan and Ethan was peaceful. I had dinner peacefully with Lia but one other thing which kept bugging my mind that what was between Ryan and Julia because things were looking pretty cool between them and also I really didn't wanted Ryan to fight with Ethan.

I was sitting on my bed thinking all these things when there was a knock on my door it was definitely Lia she must be asking me to come downstairs to go to today's destination. She had gone downstairs to meet with Jacob. I got up and opened the door.

"You ready?" Lia asked.

"Yup" I answered back.

We went downstairs and I stood near Ryan because I was just feeling weird about the last night conversation between Ethan and Julia. Just the thought of them being together was infuriating to me. I didn't really had any explanation about feeling this way so I had just decided ignore for a while.

Ethan had me totally confused and there he stood smiling with those dimples of his when Lia was ruffling his hair. Then Julia entered and she also ruffled his hair. Now I also wanted to do that. Why she keeps hanging out with us and moreover why is she so close to Ethan. Why does Ethan let her do stuff like that to her?

We reached the garden. It was filled with pretty flowers everywhere. The fresh winds were moving the flowers slightly making it a pretty sight to see. There was not much to do so everyone was clicking pictures of each other and Lia had picked me as her muse for today. She kept clicking pictures of me and won't let me do anything. It had been twenty minutes since we arrived I must have had atleast two hundred pictures. I was saved by Jacob who called for Lia and started pictures of her. They were very cute together. Literally type of couple you wish that they never break up.

I started looking around and saw Ethan sitting in the middle of the meadow drawing on his book. I clicked a picture of Ethan drawing something on his sketch book. It was beautiful sight to see.

I went to him and ruffled his hair. Finally. It was soft and bouncy. He looked up at me , smiled and continued drawing. I picked up a flower and kept it on his head, clicking a picture of it. He again looked up at me and smiled but again resumed drawing. I sat near him and tried to peek in his book to which he hid whatever he was making.

It was weird how this whole interaction had no words whatsoever but still felt like the most complete conversation of this entire day. That is how all my conversation with Ethan are quiet but fulfilling. We don't need to many words to say what we want to.

"IRIS COME HERE" Lia called me where she was. I got up and went to her. We played there for a while before suddenly it started raining heavily. We ran to a small shelter type of place which was sort of away from where our bus was. We stayed there for some while before it was all quiet which can mean only one thing in our condition that we had missed our bus. Now how could you tell that no one was yelling clicking pictures, even some people were playing in the rain and since we were a little far away we couldn't tell when the call was made.

Ryan called the organization which confirmed our assumptions and they said that they will send the next bus as soon as they could the moment the rain stopped. Ryan was so close to losing his calm. Lia and Jacob were each other in the corner claiming that they were trying to warm each other. How are they not dating each other?

I took the empty seat next to Ethan. Ryan finished his call and turned to all of us.

"So we have until tomorrow because they won't send the bus when its raining" Ryan announced.

"Lets go to that café over there and decide what to do the temperature is dropping because of the rain" Ethan suggested to which everyone agreed and we all sprinted towards the café. It was a tiny café which had a sweet smell welcoming you the moment the gate was opened. Despite the cold weather outside the inside was still warm and cozy.

We all ordered coffee for ourselves at the counter and took a seat. I was again seating near Ethan who was weirdly radiating heat which was very comforting after getting wet in the rain. Also as the night was approaching the weather was getting colder. I leaned slightly towards Ethan trying to get some of his heat. He noticed this and put his hand around me. I felt sleepy in that warm comfort spot also called as Ethan's arms.

After a while Ryan comes back with our drinks. I got some coffee for myself. "Ethan you got hot chocolate and cake right?" Ryan said giving Ethan his order. We all looked at Ethan and started laughing because his order was kinda contradicting his aura. The fake one though because the more you stay with him the more you realize that he is a softie.

When everyone was settled down ryan told us all, "The organization has arranged rooms for us but since there are three rooms choose your roomies". Jacob took Lia's hand and said, "I want to share the room with her".

"Ok. Ethan and me will take one, Iris you fine with Julia" I nodded a yes in response. Its not like I had much of choice. If not Julia, then who?

Everyone then began talking about what all they are going to be doing the next morning, I sensed a plate being pushed in front of me. It was Ethan pushing the cake he had. I took the spoon and a bite. It fit perfectly with my coffee. Then the spoon was taken by Ethan to taste the cake himself. I took it back from him moved a little further away to tease him. He tried taking the spoon from me.

"ahemm" Lia coughed to get our attention. "Do you lovebirds want a separate room as well" I was red. I was internally thanking the god for the dim light in the café otherwise it would have been embarrassing. Ethan went slightly away but his arm was still touching mine which was oddly comforting to me.

Next morning I was woken up by a loud banging noise outside my door. It was Ryan. I opened the door still rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"come out to play in the snow."

I nodded in response. It was cold more colder than I imagined it to be. Moreover I was greeted by a shower of snowballs the moment I stepped outside. Also everyone had cups which only meant one thing that they all went to get coffee without me. Betrayal.

I sat next to Lia and looked at her before saying, "You went to get coffee without me". She smiled ij response. Lia had pretty smile. I closed my eyes and adjusted to the cold.

"here" Ethan said. I opened my eyes and he had pushed a cup of coffee in front of me. I took from him. Then he went and sat next to Ryan which was unbelievable because then Ryan smiled at him.

"lets all go and get some warm clothes. There is a market just downstairs" Ryan told everyone.

We all went to the market and started picking out clothes for each other. I picked out a jacket for Lia and a hat for Ethan. Lia also picked a hat for me. I took some clothes and wore them on the ones I was already wearing. When we all were done we walked back to the café to wait there foe the bus. On the way back I stumbled and got my hoodie wet.

"Let's go back and get you a new one" Lia suggested.

"No it's alright I can just work with this one. It will dry up soon" I told her. If decided to go back it will take up time we cannot afford to lose some more time as we didn't know when the bus is going to arrive.

"Here" a jacket was shoved on my face. It was Ethan, he was offering one of his many jacket to me. I took it and wore it wordlessly. I don't talk much but seem leave my brain whenever Ethan is there but he still ends up making me feel comfortable. Maybe it is because he is good looking.

"Wanna have lunch" Jacob asked suddenly.

Everyone got excited and we all made our way to the local market. It was very crowded. It was not possible to keep a step before being pushed. Ethan took my hand and started walking, I noticed that everyone was already walking and was very ahead of us. He kept me close and protected me much as possible. Although it was not possible too much.

But what made it all worthwhile was the smile he gave me everytime he pulled me closer to avoid me running to something or someone into my shoulder.


I wrapped around my hand around his tightly and let him lead me.

Later that evening the bus came and we were sent safely back to our hotel.

The Guy in the AlleyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora