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Next morning I found myself in a coffee shop literally face to face with Ethan. I couldn't remember what happened that day it went in a jiffy. The coordinator called my name and I looked at Ethan and then he told everyone in the team to meet in the coffee shop.

I got there early so I could meet everyone thinking it would make it less awkward when Ethan arrives. But not to my surprise there was only Ethan who was already working on something on his laptop. So I went there and sat right in front of him which brings back to the current moment.

I sat there in front of Ethan and passed him a smile which was not reciprocated. He only looked at me briefly and then proceeded to work. For a moment I considered telling him that I can't remember anything from that night. But I stopped myself knowing very well that nothing can fix that.

I just sat there because he wouldn't say anything and now if I say something it would be very awkward if he doesn't say anything. Then after a while everyone arrived and Ethan greeted them all with a smile. I guess I deserved it.

Then the conversation started. I found everyone's names and all of their art style. Soon enough there was a smooth flow conversation. I had to keep stealing glances at Ethan because this guy just won't talk to me. This even resulted in a lot of eye contacts. Now the thing about those eye contact was that I don't know how they seem to him but to me they were romantic and I felt stupid entertaining such a thought. Maybe it was the princess syndrome but I suddenly wanted him to look at me and I wanted him to smile at me.

"So how about we all draw something and then discuss about what to draw" Ethan proposed.

What ryan had said that day was taking over my head. Did I possibly like ethan. It was impossible he was just a friend.

After shutting up my mind I took out my sketch book and started drawing like everyone else. Random strokes until I get some inspiration to draw something. Soon enough there were awkward eye contacts and no sneaky glances it was only work. I was focused to make what I was trying to make. One coffee after other. Everyone was working hard.

We all worked until it was late at night. Aisha and flora had already left because they had to attend some concert. Ken was planning to leave and Ronan was sleeping. The only working people there were me and Ethan. I was halfway in my draft when Ronan's phone rang and he left to go to home.

Then it was only me and Ethan like the old times. Only it was nothing like the old times. The air was getting a little too heavy so I packed my stuff and decided to leave.

"Are you going home" Ethan asked me just as I was about to leave.

"yes" I replied. Then he looked at me, then outside.

"let me drop you home its late" he said standing up. "I am leaving for some while I have my stuff here please take care of it"

I was elated. These days it feels like I don't know myself I feel happy at thought of spending time with Ethan. Not the princess syndrome getting best of me.

We were walking for about 10 minutes now and none of us had said anything. It was silent but not the comfortable once but it had to be one of the most uncomfortable ones. How come I use to have so much to talk about?

Suddenly Ethan came to a stop breaking my train of thoughts about him. I looked up and unfortunately we had reached my house. Suddenly I thought came to my mind

"Wait here for a bit" I told Ethan before rushing inside to get some baked cookies for him. I made them yesterday dreading today. I thought I would give some to him.

I took some and packed them nicely before going out again where ethan was calmly waiting.

"Here are some cookies. Make sure to eat them" I said cringing at my words. Am I mom sending her child to school because otherwise who says 'Make sure to eat them'

He looked at me and nodded before leaving me. I slept happily that night.

It was the next day and ethan had called us all to his home. Thankfully today we all reached at the same time. We ringed the bell and almost immediately it was opened up.

"I had to take care of the house today I am sorry for calling you out here" ethan told us all when we entered.

We all came inside his house it was spacious and decorated in a very modern vibe. We sat down and after some general chatting everyone began to work.

All we had scheduled for today was to decide so everyone kept their drafts on the table and we all decided on what we wanted to draw. It was supposed to be a big mural so everyone was extra careful.

"I think I want to keep iris's color combination. It fits the vibe of our school and also this team" ken suggested.

"What is the vibe of this team" ronan mocked him.

It was fun working with everyone. We bickered and laughed but also made sure to get the work done although it just had been two days but I could totally see myself hanging around with them

"but the drawing is not too attractive. Like no offence but it doesn't catch the eye" flora commented.

After some more discussion it was decided that we will be using the art aisha drew but change the color to the one I drew. But to finish the confusion we needed someone to draw the whole thing again with the correct color combination and a few add ons.

"I will do that" Ethan volunteered.

So that was it. Ethan started working and everyone else started talking, making jokes, teasing each other. Later everyone left home until it was only me and Ethan again because I thought it was not right to leave him alone while he was working. But since I had nothing to do I soon fell asleep.

I must have slept for a long time because when I woke up it was already dark outside. There was a sweet smell throughout the kitchen. I sat up straight and looked around gaining some of my consciousness. I was not in my house. Then ethan came out of the kitchen completely awakening me. Not only was I not in my house, I was in ethan's house. And he had baked cookies.

Ethan come wordlessly and sat next to me on the sofa. He switched on a movie and I also started watching it with him eating the cookies he made. And soon for some reason I again fell asleep.

The Guy in the AlleyWhere stories live. Discover now