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Its been few weeks since we returned from the trip and everyone literally seems to be talking about Julia and Ryan. One week after the trip everyone had already started talking about them. Everyday Ryan finishes his class early and sometimes he does not take them. Its not like they are official yet but they will be like everyone is saying. It did hurt me slightly. I would be lying if I said it didn't. I did but instead of weeping about it in the corner I want to move on because later I don't want to be remembered as the person who ruins peoples life because of their unreasonable crush. He was already into Julia or something I try to not pry because of the whole moving on thing.

"Mocha?" ethan said from next to me. I have been having out with him a lot these days. Lia was either busy with studies or Jacob. We still vide call every night though but in the university I am only with ethan and its not like I am sad about it, its been a lot of fun. He helps me with my drawing and we spend a lot of time in the coffee shops. I think he has a thing for coffee shops.

"Yup and that cookie" I told him to answer the questions. He nodded "go and wait there I will get it for you"

I went to a table and took out my drawing book and started making random strokes. Unconsciously my eyes stuck to Ethan's back. He is the epitome of perfect. He is also looking so cute but at the same time very gentlemanly. I wonder if he would also take his girlfriend out on coffee days like this.

He came back with our coffee and I peaked at my sketchbook. I had drawn his silhouette without noticing. Maybe because I was looking his way. He took out his laptop and started working on it. He looked handsome there sitting with his glasses that he only wears while working. He regularly took sip of his coffee. I opened my phone to divert my attention because maybe it was the glasses but I was noticing too much of ethan these days. I opened instagram and saw Ryan's story, it was a picture with Julia.

"why is Ryan always with julia" I accidently said out loud. Ethan looked up. "Don't answer that" I told him just as he was about to open his mouth to say something.

I dropped my head to the table and keep scribbling in my sketch book until it looked like the back of this beautiful creature in front of me who right now is ready to get to my soul.

"He likes girls like Julia, a bit out there type you know" he said and all my attention was on him.

"Are you giving me advice on how can I date ryan" I asked excited.

"That's not what.... Leave it" a small silence.

"Do you still like Julia"

"Never did"

"Then who do you like"


"You don't need to know"

"So there is someone" he remained quiet. "someone must be very lucky to have you like them"

His all attention was on me now. He didn't say anything. I held his eye contact before resuming my work. He took a big sip from his coffee before continuing his work. But then there was a weird smile plastered on his face all the time while working which was very cute honestly.

Hanging out with ethan opened a new side of him to me. A not so scary side, a cute side, a gentlemanly, a hardworking side. No wonder girls swoon over him. At times I too consider just asking out I don't want to ruin our friendship and moreover I think I still like ryan.

Later that night like always after having my dinner, I went to call lia who was busy with some school work so she ended the call early I too decided not to disturb her. So I went to sleep early.

Next day, like always I went to my class, sat in my usual seat beside ethan who was sleeping. I woke him up and passed him a box of cookie. He looked different today, his hair was messy, he was not in his normal shirt and sweater but in a hoodie. And there were eye bags under his eyes and also his eyes were puffy.

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