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Next morning, I woke up with a awful and decided to bail my classes today. I went out and went to get a coffee and something to sweet to eat. But life was against because Ethan was there ordering his caramel macchiato and brownie. A little smile crossed my lips. Classic Ethan. Then I remembered the incidents of last night and they made me feel awful. I was confused about whether I should apologize or wait and then apologize after a while.

But then Jacob saw and waved at me. I guess he hasn't told Jacob right now because he didn't seem like anything was amiss. Jacob came to me, pulled my hand and took me to their seat where Ethan looked up at me, and to say he looked bad would also be an understatement, he looked terrible. The moment he saw me, he stood up and left from there.

"Bro. what the actual fuck?" Jacob left behind him leaving me alone there. I got Ethan's items and packed so that I can give them to him in class which I decided to attend to only to give him his food.

But Ethan was nowhere to be found in the whole university. Even Ryan. At least I was going to meet Lia after a long time.

In the afternoon, I sat with Lia in the lawn just talking about how things got messed up and I ended up hurting Ethan yesterday.

"So you never liked Ethan. You liked Ryan. DAMN" Lia summarized.

"yeah" I confirmed.

"oh my god, that's messed up" lia exclaimed. I looked at her with sad eyes. She looked at me and then hugged me.

"Honestly I liked Ethan better and really no one could have guessed that you didn't like him" Lia told me. "And ryan, he didn't tell you that he was already dating Julia"

I pulled back from the hug and looked at lia, she showed no signs of joking. "I will get over him, get it a few days" I told her.

She hugged me again. I lied my head on her shoulders and thought of ways to get over ryan, maybe I will make a list of things I hate about him or something.

The whole week went so quickly. There were no signs of ethan and I had completely gotten over ryan. Knowing he was dating. Julia already helped somehow. I will still see him though but don't feel anything. I think I just wanted to date someone in college and ryan seemed good so I just assumed I liked him because I moved on so quickly that I have never seen anyone do. But one person I could not move on from is Ethan who I haven't seen the whole week.

It was the last lecture of the day now which also was cancelled because of some conference. I went there and sat on one of the seats, checked something on my phone and after a few minutes the thing started.

The teacher started talking, "so as you know we have some plain walls in our campus, so I gathered you all art students for your help in decorating them basically." Everyone was gossiping about now to get away with it, I honestly wanted to do that but then again it could have been only fun with friends.

"we have around 10 walls right now, and some seniors have been already chosen to assist you do it" the teacher looked around for a while before continuing again "It will sort of a marked project"

The gossip increased, everyone was obviously displeased with the decision but honestly they would not have done it otherwise.

"Now I will out the names of the seniors, raise your hands if you wanna be in their team. 5 students in one team"

The teacher started calling out the names and people raised their hands. I raised mine everytime but no one choose me. Almost all the kids were already taken now only 10 of us were left that means 2 more teams.

The next name was called out and I raised my hand even before listening to the name with my eyes firmly closed. After a while the teacher started calling out the names of the students selected.

"Flora, ken, Ronan, Aisha and Iris" I looked up then to see the person I will be working under and could not believe my eyes because it was ETHAN!!!!

The Guy in the AlleyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя