Chapter 2:

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Jaddu's POV:-

We walked out of her cabin together, me slightly limping but the pain was almost gone by now. She was supposed to meet the team after practise was over.

"You don't know the relief I felt when I got to know that I am not the only girl anymore." Elize exclaimed as she rushed towards Akansha and I could see that she was genuinely happy and excited. I smiled slightly thinking that atleast there would be someone to give both of them company. "These guys are so boring and irritating." Elize continued and immidiately heard protests from all of us.

"Hey! You can't change sides now. You're ours. You belong to us now Elize. You've come over to the dark side." Raina said in a serious tone and we all burst out laughing, even Elize.

"Don't mind these knuckleheads. They will grow on you eventually but till then you will have to bear with them." She looked at Akansha and said mocking us.

"Oh really?! Then why are you so close to us. Hell you married one of us!" Shikhar exclaimed pointing to Virat who was standing in a corner just admiring his wife. He was like a lovesick puppy.

We knew that Elize was just joking and loved us to death but we all still pouted that she had changed sides so quickly.

This whole time Akansha was just looking at us all bickering with a smile on her face.

"I'm such an idiot. I never introduced myself. I'm Elizabeth Ganguly. And you are?" Elize turned towards Akansha again when she had had enough of us.

"Akansha Mehta. But you guys can call me Akku if you want. And seriously you do not need to introduce yourself Elizabeth. The whole world knows you and you are an inspiration to millions of girls." Akku said and I saw that she had sincere admiration in her eyes for Elize while Elize just waved her off before just throwing an arm over her shoulder and walking off with Akku citing 'girl talk'. I was pretty sure she was just telling Akku about all the embaressing things we had done during practise.

Raina and Shikhar came up to me as I was still looking at the girls walking away.

"Seriously? You've started liking her already huh?" Raina spoke up startling me and I just looked away, not meeting his eyes.

"What? No. Ofcourse not. We just met."

"Oh right. So maybe you were staring at Elize right? Wait, let me just tell Virat about that." Shikhar said and turned towards Virat ready to call him when I clamped a hand on his mouth to shut him up.

"No no no! I accept I was staring at Akku. Don't, please don't say anything to Virat. He will lose his shit on me." I was scared of Virat when he got possessive about his wife. That was one risk I was absolutely not willing to take.

They both just smirked at my confession before teasing me about calling her by her nickname.

"Guys! Finally our Jaddu met a girl he is interested in." They announced to the other guys and instantly I was surrounded by all of them firing questions from all sides and I just groaned and put my head in my hands. I hope that atleast Akku didn't hear them.

Not too long after we heard the girls' voices and realised that they were coming back so the boys simmered down but I could see by the look on their faces that it wasn't over yet.

"So, as Akku says she knows the whole team so I don't need to introduce you guys to her, but to make her feel welcome I have decided to throw a party at our house." Elize said when she was near us and looked at Virat for confirmation obviously as it was his house too.

"Welcome to the family Akansha. I'm sure Elize will tell you our address so be there by seven. Same goes for all you guys, so hit the showers then get ready and meet me at my place." Virat confirmed the party with a smile on his face.

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