Chapter 13: The Agony Filled Night

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Jaddu's POV:-

I woke up in the middle of the night due to the excruciating yet still somehow bearable pain I was feeling in my knee. It was enough pain to make me want to detach the damn knee from it's socket and throw it off to the side.

Inhaling deeply, I pressed my arm to my mouth and bit into it so that I wouldn't scream and wake up Akku. I could not even feel the sting of the bite when compared to the pain I could feel in my knee.

I was terrified to say the least. My knee was most definately not supposed to be paining like it had been mauled by a bear or squashed under the tires of a truck. I mean, I know Akku hadn't offered me painkillers as she knew I wouldn't take it, but still the pain was too much without it.

I had been through injuries all my life but this time the pain surprised me. I had a problem taking medicines like pain killers or for mild fever, cold and cough. I believed for some reason that with people suffering all around the world it was not fair if I took medicines for each and every small problem of mine just because I had money to do so. Coming from a small background I had not always had these facilities. It may be wierd, or stupid but that was how I was.

I tried to divert my mind and just go back to sleep or atleast ignore the pain when I felt Akku stirring beside me. I stilled completely not wanting to disturb her more. But, it didn't matter as she still opened her eyes slowly and squinted at me.

I think my face was distorted in pain as she jumped up, suddenly wide awake.

"What happened? I knew I should have given you those damn painkillers! You and your stupid self righteous theories I swear will drive me crazy some day." She scolded me as she got up and rummaged through her bag kept on the bedside table.

She got out some medicine which I'm presuming was the painkiller but I shook my head negatively with my arm still in my mouth. I probably looked like a savage animal but I didn't care.

She looked at me sternly before opening my mouth and pulling my arm out. A strangled scream escaped my lips as a release for the pain but I muffled it not wanting to scare the other hotel occupants.

When my mouth opened, Akku popped in something that I instantly choked upon. I leaned on to a side so that I could get up and Akku helped me sit straight on my bed. She handed over some water which I gulped down instantly feeling relief from choking, though my leg flared up even more due to the sudden movement.

I looked up at Akku accusingly, that sneaky little smart idiot had just made me swallow the damn painkiller. My irritation with her made me forget about my pain also for a moment. She just held a smug smile on her face and I shook my head at her antics. No matter what, I knew that it was the only way to get me to take it and I was actually grateful for what she had done.

I thanked her which she just smiled in reply to. I laid back down with her help and winced at the pain again. She gave me a once over before she held my hand tightly, hovering over my frame kind of protectively. Even through the pain I felt the tingles in my hand from her touch. I tried to smile at her but it came off more as a frown.

She looked worried and I didn't want to be the reason behind that. Even though I like that she cared I didn't want her to lose sleep over me. She bend down towards me and I forgot all about my pain for the second time in the night, as her lips touched my forehead.

I closed my eyes and I could feel the pain killer working though my body finally ebbing down the pain as I slept with Akku by my side as we held our hands between us.

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