Chapter 27: Interruptions

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I walked into my room with Akku right on my heels, holding her hand.

She looked around and I thanked god that I had been able to clean it before she had walked in. The walls were light blue and infront of me was a king size bed, and right beside me was a flat screen television facing the bed.

There were huge speakers kept on both sides of the t.v. and a dresser with a full length mirror off to my right. On my left wall was the door to my bathroom and right beside the dresser was my walk in wardrobe.

Akku plopped right down on the bed and I laid down beside her.

"I'm going to change my name." She suddenly speaks breaking the silence between us.

I sit up straight and look at her. "If you really want that then I'm with you in every step. But do remember that this name was given to you by your mum because she loves you, not by that guy." I whisper softly.

"I know, but it's so hard being called Akansha and remembering that it was a name that he loved. He tried to kill me and my mom RJ! He used to beat her almost everyday when they were together." She looks down at her hands and her shoulders are taut and rigid.

I bring her hands on my lap and start rubbing circles on her palm with my thumb.

"Just because he likes the name doesn't mean he has a sole right on it Akku. I understand where you are coming from, but I'm just saying that this name was given to you by your mum, not your dad. Remember that before you take a decision, alright?" I said and she nods slightly before resting her head on my shoulder.

I kiss the top of her head lightly and we stay there for a moment more.

"I guess you're right RJ, I shouldn't change my name just because he liked it. If I change my name it would mean that he still affects me and is a part of my life, but I want to show him and the world the opposite. So I'll keep my name." She whispers softly and I kiss her on her head again.

"I'm proud of you Akku. You've come a long long way. You are strong, beautiful, independant, smart, successful, and a million other good things and I'm so damn proud of you." I said and hugged her tight to my chest.

I look at her and wipe under her eyes for the unshed tears swimming in her eyes.

"I love you so much RJ. Thank you for being there for me through all this." Akku tells me.

"I love you babe, and don't thank me. I want to be there for you, helping and supporting you. Just like I want you there in my life I want to be there for yours." I said and smile at her.

She surprises me by suddenly pulling me by the collar of my shirt and meeting my lips with her. She kisses me hungrily and I can sense urgency and passion in the kiss. I start moving my lips to hers and her energy is contagious. She lays down slightly and pulls me down on top of her, still kissing me the whole while.

I put my hands on her waist and touch skin. While laying down her tshirt had ridden up. She breaths out softly and her eyes open up to stare at me. I look at her, waiting for her to tell me to stop but she doesn't.

I splay my fingers on her waist and push the tshirt up higher and she makes a soft gasping sound. I start kissing her neck slowly, still breathing hard from the intense make out session.

I went back towards her lips when I heard a loud knock sounding on my door. I groaned but pulled back from her as my sister screamed at us to join the family for lunch soon.

"We can always skip lunch. I'm not even hungry." I saw with a sly smile and start moving towards Akku but she just laughs and pushes me away before walking out the door.

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