Chapter 22: Trip Back Home

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Jaddu's POV:-

"Chips, water, phones, ipod, aux wire, pendrive, charger, books, sunglasses, wallet, our suitcases, headphones, tissues... Ok I think that's it. We have everything we need." Akku counted off.

We were standing before my Porsche Cayenne GTS rechecking everything we needed for the long journey before we started moving.

"Ok then. Let's go!" I said and hopped in.

I turned the key in the ignition and the engine roared to life. The sound of the car put a smile on my face. It was a beauty.

•-• •-• •-• •-• •-• •-•
I had been driving for the past five hours and I was feeling hungry. It was Akku's turn to take the wheel and suddenly the engine started making sputtering noises. I sat up straight and looked at Akku alarmed. She quickly stopped the car on the side of the rood.

We both got out of the car and she opened the bonnet. We had to bend backward to dodge the cloud of black smoke that came out and Akku started coughing as she had inhaled some of it.

I looked at her and patted her back. She smiled at me gratefully and then leaned again over the car when the smoke cleared a bit.

I looked at her questioningly but she ignored me. She started working on the car and I could tell that she knew her way around. Is there something this girl can not do?!

"Fuck!" She screamed suddenly and started flinging her hand up and down and I realised that she had burnt it by touching a hot part of the car. I didn't think about what I was going to do and just immidiately pulled her burnt finger to my face and put it in my mouth so that it gets cooled down. I kept it there for a while hoping it wasn't burning much and then looked back at her concerned. She stared at me with wide eyes and I thought of how stupid I was being. I took out her finger and mumbled a sorry.

"Sorry? You just saved it from swelling up to twice it's size. Thanks." She said and turned back towards the car.

"It's not anything major thank god. The car got heat up a little too much. We would need some coolant." She told me once she was done with her inspection and I looked all around us for the first time since we had stopped. We were on a highway and there were only two dhabas around.

I ran over to ask them for some battery water or a petrol pump nearby and had to return empty handed but atleast the petrol pump was just a couple hundred metres away and we could walk there. I informed Akku and we decided to go together after locking the car.

"When did you learn so much about cars?" I asked her along the way.

"While in America I had met a guy and he taught me everything I know. I had always been fascinated by how those things ran and so I learnt all that I could from him." She explained.

I didn't even realise that I had started pouting and feeling bad until she pointed it out.

"Babe, I love you. I have not even kissed anyone before you! He was just a friend and he had a girlfriend who was a very good friend of mine. So stop pouting alright? I love you."

"I love you too Akku."

"Look! There's the petrol pump!" She suddenly exclaimed and pointed to a direction ahead of us.

We both reached there and bought what Akku needed and soon enough we were back in my car driving towards Gujarat again.

Standing infront of my house door I held Akku's hand. She looked over at me a little worried and I squeezed her hand to console her.

The door opened then revealing both my sisters. I had informed them about my homecoming and so they both had been waiting for me.


They both jumped at me at the same time and I left Akku's hand to give them both a hug. They pulled back a moment later and finally realised that I had someone with me.

"Umm, you didn't tell us that you were bringing someone over Ravindra." said with accusation as she looked at Akku as if to assess her.

"Guys, she's Akansha. Our Akku."

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