Chapter 10: Apologies

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Jaddu's POV:-

"You remember what I had told you about my dad?" She asked me and I nodded remembering everything.

She used to live with her mother and no one knew where her father was. He used to beat his mother all through the years when they had been together and she still stayed with him afraid of society, but the day she had gotten pregnant with Akansha she had got up and left him without a trace, not wanting even his shadow to fall on her. Aunty was an orphan and so she had no one to run to for help. I had always had alot of respect for her mother for being a single mom and still giving eveything Akku wanted to her.

Akku had told me that she respected her mother's decision and didn't want to meet her father ever. Even though she missed a father figure in her life she refused to want anything to do with a guy who hurt her mother and disrespected her.

"Well, he found out about us. He got to know our address and showed up one day demanding to talk to mom. He hadn't known that he had a kid with mom and that was the reason mom had left him. Mom never wanted him to know so she hid me in my room while she dealt with him alone that day. I was watching from the window in my room. You remember the one from where I can look out but on the outside it's a plain mirror?" She asked and I nodded willing her to continue. "He was drunk and he had started hitting her so I started running to stop him, but mom knew that I would do that and so she had locked the door to my room from the outside." She stopped and took a breath. It affected her badly still and she looked shaken up so I took her hand in mine rubbing it to soothe her a little. She took a breath and then continued.

"After he was done with her he left and mom somehow came and unlocked my door. She had bruises on her face and hands. I can never forget that sight." Her grip on my hand tightened and her facial expressions hardened. I could feel the anger and hatred she had by seeing how she was unknowingly digging her nails into my skin but I didn't utter a word.

"I got her bandaged up and we both decided to move. I came to meet you for one last time and I wanted to tell you everything but I didn't want him to hurt you. I cared for you too much to let him get his hands on you. I knew that you would try to fight with him for me and I couldn't have that. I was scared and I didn't know what to do so I just ran away without a goodbye. I'm so so sorry RJ...." She started apologising and kept a hand on my cheek. I shook my head and kept my hand on her's over me cheek and squeezed it tightly.

"Don't you dare apologise. I'm sorry I didn't understand you before. I was stupid. I tried finding you all over but I just couldn't. Oh god I'm so stupid!" I was looking down by then. I didn't even deserve her to be here with me. She had gone through so much and I had been so selfish.

"Shh. Let's just let it be. If you have any questions I would answer them but let's just stop apologising to each other. Okay?" I looked at her, grateful for her understanding.

"Did you guys ever run into him again?" I asked refering to her father.

She shook her head and I felt myself relaxing slightly before I engulfed her in a hug.


(A/N):- So the truth is finally out. Please tell me if you like/dislike it. Do vote and comment. Thanks for reading.

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