Chapter 18: Going Out

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Jaddu's POV:-

Get ready in ten, I'm taking you out. Wear something appropriate for outdoors. Do wear shoes as we will have to walk.

I texted Akku and kept staring at the phone in my hand waiting for her reply. I didn't have to wait much longer though as she replied back almost immediately like she always does.

Alright. But where are we going?

I chuckled at her curious self before typing a reply and sending it quickly.

Patience, little grasshopper.

I tossed my phone aside and got up to get ready in a black tshirt and dark blue nike shorts. I styled my hair in my trademark look and picked up my car keys from my dresser before heading out the door.

I drove over to her house and texted her to come out. When she walked out of her house I stared at her. The sun was out and it shone on her making her look surreal. I could not believe that this person didn't know that she was beautiful. Even in simple shorts and a black tshirt which had a Linkin Park logo on it she looked breathtakingly beautiful.

By the time she locked her house and walked over to my car I had schooled my expressions to neutrality.

"Where are we going?" Akku asked as soon as she got in. No hi no hello, expect this girl to get right down to business.

"Somewhere nearby." I explained not giving her anything.

She groaned and sat back in her seat while I started my car. She manned the sterio and played her songs which ranged from Pitbull to Imagine Dragons to Enrique Igleasus to One Direction to David Guetta. Her music choice was one I would never understand.

After driving for a few minutes I started drumming my finger on the steering. It was more out of nervousness than being in beat with the song. I wanted her to like where I was taking her. I knew that the old her would have loved this trip but she had changed so much in the past few years that I couldn't help but let doubt seep into my thoughts.

I felt a hand on my arm and looked at Akku.

"RJ, wherever you are taking me I would love it as long as you are there with me. So stop being nervous and just relax and enjoy."

Those simple words left me surprised at how well she still knew me. Despite me drumming my fingers, I had not let any emotion show on my face. How she could understand me so well was a mystery.

"Thanks A. I needed that." I relaxed and she smiled at me in reply.

I looked back at the road and realised that we had reached where I was supposed to take her. I stopped the car in parking and ran around to open the door for Akku before she could walk out. She smiled at me as I held the door for her.

I walked to the backseat and pulled out a backpack that I had packed with sandwitches and water bottles along with flashlights, GPS, compass and other stuff. Pulling out the sunscreen and mosquitoe repellent from the backpack I handed them over to Akku, ordering her to apply it. She looked at me quizzically yet did what I had asked her to.

When Akku was done, I lead her to a gate and when she saw where we were headed she squealed so loudly I felt my eardrums burst.

I smiled at her and she barreled into me for a hug. Pulling her in tighter into my arms I smiled into her neck. She pulled back a moment later and started jumping up and down like a little girl who was given a tub of chocolate icecream.

"RJ you remembered!" She screamed.

"How can I forget babe? You always used to keep talking about nature and wildlife when we were young and you never have let me litter whether it was back then or now. I know your love for wilderness and this is the closest we can get to it in Delhi." I explained and she looked at me with slight tears in her eyes, and the gratitude showed on her face.

Before I could get lost in her eyes, I looked away and pulled her along with me to the front gate of the only inhabited and protected forest in Delhi that was not frequented by people.

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