Chapter 9: Reasons

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Jaddu's POV:-

I heard a knock on my room door within minutes of cutting the call with Akku so I hollered a come in.

The door almost flew open and Akku was beside me in an instant. She looked pale and worn out. She looked like she had cried recently. It's not like she had tear tracks on her face, her face was bright and fresh as usual, but one look at her told me that she was sad. It broke my heart because it was me she was crying for, was sad for. I mentally slapped myself for ignoring her like I did.

She pulled me up on the bed and started doing stuff to my knee but I ignored it and instead concentrated on her face to get my mind off the pain coursing through my leg.

"I'm sorry A, I shouldn't have just left like that. I should have given you a chance to explain." I apologised and held my breath waiting for her to reply.

She didn't look up at me or speak anything for a while but I knew she heard as I felt her shoulders relax slightly. I was growing impatient for her reply and as I opened my mouth to ask her to say something she finally spoke.

"It's not your fault so why are you apologising Rj? I did everything wrong." She still refused to look into my eyes.

"Babe, I don't want your apology. Just give me a valid reason for leaving me all those years ago and I'll be fine. Just give me a reason A." I spoke and anyone would hear the desperation in my tone.

"I have a valid reason RJ and I will tell you everything. But right now just let me take care of you." She replied and finally met my eyes. "I'm afraid you have pulled your leg. You fell pretty hard this morning and I guess despite the pain you kept on bowling in the nets in the practise session so the injury got aggrevated. It's not really serious if you take precautions and actually listen to me." She turned on her motherly tone and I knew that I had no choice but to listen to her.

I simply nodded to tell her I understood.

"Good, now you need complete bed rest for two days and you need to ice it regularly. Don't you dare put weight on it and I will personally stay with you to see that you are well taken care of. You absolutely can not practice for the next five days." I opened my mouth immidiately to protest but she beat me to it. "No. I know you are eager to get back on the field so I told you five days otherwise it's supposed to be atleast a week's rest." I just nodded again knowing what she was saying was true and not wanting to act like a brat.

She stood up as she moved towards the door where she had thrown her handbag in her haste to come in. She picked it up and got an ice pack out from it. She threw it at me and I caught it easily in my hand before pressing it lightly on my knee.

"Ok. Now I'll just inform the team about you while you just ice your knee." She told me and I gave her a thumbs up.

She took out her phone from her pocket and started typing on it, probably sending a group message to everyone updating them on my condition.

I looked at her fully since the first time she had stepped in and saw that she was wearing black jeggings and a purple and white striped top. She looked cute but her face was still tensed and worried.

When she was done she came over to stand beside me and I pulled her down on the beside me.

"I'm fine. We are fine. I cared for you back then and I will always care you all my life. You are still my friend no matter what you did. Alright?" I searched her eyes wanting her to believe me.

The only thing she did was pull me closer to her and hugged me tight. Her body was shaking with tiny sobs and I held her close to me, not wanting to let go. I wanted to comfort her and take away all her problems.

She pulled back after a while and rubbed her hand under her eyes.

"A, see, I need to know why did you leave. Why you didn't inform me? What happened?" I asked her softly not wanting to upset her but we had to get this out of the way.

She took a deep breath and looked off to the side as if to gather willpower and strength before looking back at me to begin talking.

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