Part 5 : Complications

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Refusing hadn't even crossed his mind if it wasn't for what the lycan told him. He was certain of what he had in mind when he'd decided to catch Mew's attention at the airport earlier, and he was still pretty sure they would have gone straight to it if it wasn't for that unexpected incident at the diner on their way to Mew's residence an hour later.

Mew backed him firmly against the wall before he surged forward to pay extra attention to his neck. Mew's tongue felt like a brand against his skin, leaving trails of heat on its wake and making him hyper aware of the growing pressure in his pants that seemed to mirror the exact same thing happening to Mew's cock that he held in his hand.

A teasing squeeze at the base and Mew was already a moaning mess, and a quick thumb at the slit made it worse. The reaction he got from the angel was enough to make him want to throw caution to the wind and just let things happen, but Max's voice echoed in his ear like a mantra.

A breath, then another, his hand halting to a complete stop. Mew groaned as if he was wounded, and the sound alone almost made him resume what he was doing and jerk the angel off until he was shaking with pleasure.

He couldn't, though. At least not yet. "You still haven't answered my question." he muttered, groaning softly under his breath when Mew didn't waste time thrusting his hips and fucking his hand in the process. He could feel the angel's cock pulsing in his hand, growing harder and thicker with every forward thrust.

"You want me to prove Max wrong," Mew didn't even sound desperate, in contrast to the way he was rolling his hips into Gulf's hand as if seeking for more of that wonderful friction. He thought of letting go completely, but his hand seemed like it had a mind of its own.

"I want you to tell me the truth," he insisted, and maybe he was the one who sounded desperate here. And how could he not, when his mouth watered at the sight and feel of the angel's body pressed against him, awed at the way the sentinel's wings fluttered with every miniscule movement.

He dragged a fingertip along the side of Mew's dick like an afterthought, and got an wounded-sounding growl as an answer.

Mew's hand caught his face firmly in place. "You feel me hard and aching in your hands, Kana. Isn't that answer enough?"

"P'Mew -"

"I waited so long for you, Kana," Mew was saying, each word whispered against his lips. He could feel his desire overshadowing everything. "I'm not going to wait one minute more." and it was a promise as much as it was a plea.


He walked into his office to find Tul already waiting for him.

"He's still here," Tul said, and it wasn't even phrased as a question. Obviously, his friend wasn't here to beat around the bush. He didn't bother answering, because judging with the expression on Tul's face, it was clear he already knew the answer.

"His scent is all over you, Captain." Tul added, like an afterthought, and Mew would have scoffed at that if he knew lying would work. To think that he even made it a point to shower before leaving the bedroom, hoping his expensive body wash would do the trick.

Obviously, it didn't.

He tilted his head to Tul's direction and gave the other angel a look. "I wasn't planning on letting him leave, Tul. I thought I made that pretty clear when I introduced him to you guys earlier."

Tul blinked. "Does that mean you already told him?"

He shook his head. "Not yet." and he planned to, he did, just that it wasn't the right time yet and he had no wish to freak Gulf out by telling him now.

Tul didn't look pleased. "Captain, he's human. And weak. He's not going to be able to protect himself from our enemies, let alone from every creature that means us harm. You're not planning on keeping him here like a prisoner just to keep him away from danger, are you?"

He waved a hand in Tul's direction and shook his head. "That is my problem to solve, Tul, not yours," he said, "and thank you. I appreciate the concern, but you don't have to trouble yourself with it. I'm the one who brought him here, so I'll be the one to take care of him. Okay?"

There was silence, and then, "Okay, but what are we going to tell the others?" Tul asked, and then quickly followed it with, "What are you going to tell Bright if he finds out you have his si -brother?"

He paused for a moment and took a deep breath. "Let me take care of that too."


Somehow, it didn't even take long for that to happen. He was just planning on going back to check on Gulf when his phone vibrating in his pocket took his attention, fishing it out and groaning when he saw the name of the caller.

But it was stupid to try and stop the inevitable, so he didn't.

He answered the call. "This is Mew."

The vampire leader's tone from the other end of the line was unamused. "You have something that belongs to me, Sentinel. And I need it back."

The anger that consumed him was instantaneous, the same damn emotion he couldn't seem to let go of since pretty much ever. Bright had been the reason he'd lost her for the first time, and he hadn't been able to forgive him for that since.

"And what might that be, bloodsucker? If it's one of your minions, then don't bother. I don't fancy keeping them here like pets. I already have enough lycan to take care of."

The vampire leader scoffed as if he was offended. Mew liked the idea very much.

"Don't act dumb, Suppasit. I know you have my sister. Give her back or -"

"Or what? You'll kill me if I don't hand her over? Why, are you threatening me, Bright? Careful, because we both know that a fight with me is something none of you can win," he said, then, "and for your information, she's a guy this time."

Bright sounded surprised. "What?"

"You heard me," he answered, "Your sister decided to come back in a man's body. His name is Kanawut." and he was exquisitely beautiful, he wanted to add, but kept that truth for himself for now.

Silence, an awkward and long one, and then. "You're giving him back to me, Suppasit. And this time, I'm not asking."

He smirked. "You can try. But I'm not giving him up without a fight, Vachirawit. Just so you know." he said, and hung up, at the same time the door to his bedroom opened and Gulf walked out, fresh from the shower and so mouthwateringly gorgeous he was instantly hard the moment their gazes catch.

"Hello, angel." Gulf drawled when he got closer, and Mew couldn't help himself kissing him just because he could.

His problems could wait, but his desire for Gulf could not.

He needed to take care of that first.

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