Part 16 : Blood and promises

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He couldn't have refused this even if he tried.

He was panting still when he allowed Mew to guide him where he wanted him, on his lap first where he'd been kissed senseless before rolling him on the bed on his back, fingers tracing loving touches across his face as the angel stamped soft kisses after soft kisses over every inch of skin bared to him.

He hadn't had much of this intimacy yet it already felt so familiar, intense in a way he'd never experienced with anyone before. Even his uncertainty about being a vampire was overshadowed by the angel's affection, and he couldn't not bask in it, grateful for the way Mew was making him feel as if him being a vampire was a gift and not a curse.

Mew chuckled into his skin, his hands possessive on his hips. "It is, baby. We'll be together for eternity now, my love, and I can't wait to spend every day of it with you. I love you so much." murmured the angel who had his arms around him, as if answering his thoughts for him the way he'd done in the past.

He worked his fingers around the back of Mew's head and pulled him down for another kiss, welcoming the angel's weight on him as he settled above him, over him, inside him. The heat was overwhelming yet he couldn't get enough of it, couldn't get enough of Mew's lips kissing him, of Mew's hands touching him, the angel conquering him, his mind, his body and soul.

And maybe he wouldn't ever, and that was fine with him.

He was fine with this.

"Oh baby, you feel so good. You feel so damn good, Gulf, fuck." the delicious sounds the angel made as he took him inch by careful inch made the initial pain bearable.

And then Mew started moving and the pleasure was heightened, his newly-acquired vampire body strong enough to keep up with the angel's rhythm. Mew thrust home with enough force to rattle the bed and he was there with him taking everything, moaning his pleasure and wanting more of it.

Mew pushed forward and he pushed right back, meeting him in the middle, arching back to him and dragging his heels across the angel's sweaty back to pull him closer, deeper. His arms around the sentinel's shoulders, his fingers on his hair, tugging, pulling, the pleasure-pain making Mew hiss back to him as he fucked him hard, fucked him like he never would again after this.

And when they came they did it together, Mew's mouth on his as he sucked on the angel's tongue. His orgasm pulled a scream out of him, shaking so hard he was writhing under the weight of the angel's body still fucking him hard to the bed, rolling them around until he was straddling the angel instead, Mew's cock spurting inside him as he came so hard to follow him.


He couldn't exactly remember when they stopped, or how they even managed not to keep going at it when the angel kept giving it to him, his arousal seemed to never end now that he didn't have a mortal body to worry about.

Yet he wanted more, and the angel seemed not to mind that he was insatiable.

"You need just to say the word and I'm yours for the taking, baby. My body and my blood, they belong to you now, my love."

He buried his face into the juncture between Mew's neck and shoulder, humming appreciatively at the warmth he found there. His fingers found refuge against the Mew's chest, curling them there, seeking comfort in the only place that mattered.

It couldn't have been this easy, yet the angel did make it sound like it.

"Because baby it just is. You need blood to live, and we both know you're not going to feed on just anyone and even if you can, I won't let you. So this is the perfect deal, don't you think?" and there he was again, answering Gulf's thoughts out loud as if it was just natural for him to read his mind like this.

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