Part 9 : Take you there

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"You still haven't told him the truth," Tul commented when the call ended. It wasn't even a question and his friend wasn't even trying to phrase it as one. Not that he had any reason to. If anything, Mew believed his friend was simply making a statement. A reminder of some sort that his Captain needed to get his head out of his ass and figure out how to fix this mess before things got even more complicated than they already are.

He shook his head. There was no point in denying the truth, no sense in keeping a secret that had been bared into the open before he could even try to keep a close lid on it.

"To be honest? I don't know how to," he confessed. He wished he didn't have to say it, because doing so would mean he had to at some point. He would delay it if he could, derail the inevitable if it meant keeping Gulf with him for as long as his selfishness would allow him even if it would kill him knowing that by doing so, he might still lose Gulf in the end.

"You know you have to, Captain. It's better he hears the truth from you than from his bloodsucking brother who wants you dead. I don't even want to think how he's going to take all of it once he's learned the truth, but it is better that he's in front of you when it happens." Tul said, as if pointing out the obvious would help Mew figure out how to get them out of this mess without hurting Gulf in the process.

He doubted he could make that one happen, not when it had been one of the things he'd never been able to stop from happening whenever Kana's soul returned and they were reunited after years of living without her. Hurting her was an inevitable thing too, and Mew had never been able to forgive himself for it either.

He drew a breath and let it out in one go. "I know that," he muttered. He honestly didn't need to be reminded of all the shit he had to wade through from here on, but for Gulf's sake, he would.

Tul shrugged his shoulders without bothering sparing him a look. "I know you're considering talking to Bright, but do you think it would work? He knows your weakness when it comes to his sister, and we both know he'll use that knowledge to this advantage."

God, as if he didn't know that. Talking to Bright was one of the many options he'd considered when he found Gulf, but knowing the vampire leader's hatred towards him (and his relationship to his sister ), he figured he would take that path only if he was certain Bright would keep his end of the bargain by not turning Gulf into a bloodsucker like him. Doing so would mean Gulf losing his soul, and Mew knew Gulf would rather die than be one.

"I'll cross that bridge when I get there," he muttered, "But for now, the only thing that matters to me is to keep Kana safe. If talking to Bright so we could agree on a truce about his sister is the way to go, then I will do it."

"What, you're planning on talking to him about it in person?" Tul inquired, keeping his eyes on the road.

Mew sighed. "Yes. I'll call him to arrange a meeting."

"And if he doesn't agree?"

The thought was disturbing at best, given his and Bright's history whenever they were in the same proximity but he couldn't think of that now and expect things to be different. He thought of Gulf waiting for him at home, of the promise he might not be able to keep when he was trying to convince Gulf to come back to him earlier. He was going to lie about it again, at least until he was certain he had everything he needed. The truth was a bitter pill to swallow, but for Gulf's sake, he would take it all.

Still, the dread was enough to make him weary, feeling the knot in his chest tightening. "I'll think of something."

Tul snorted. "You mean you're thinking of dropping by to his lair for a surprise visit,"

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