Part 14 : Life after death

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He felt horrible.

Everything was spinning and the bloodsucker who'd been there when he woke up was pacing around, grumbling nonsense and making his head hurt the longer he laid there listening to him.

His throat was parched and there was this ugly twisting in his stomach that was making it worse. He knew he was hungry but all he could think of was the inviting scent of someone else's blood filling his nostrils, of its intoxicating taste flowing under his tongue.

Fuck, this was bad.

The sounds of footsteps stopped and somehow, the vampire that was previously pacing the floor was hovering over him, hand touching his temple, fingers brushing his bangs away.

He was sweating like mad, moisture wetting the vampire's palm despite the fact that it wasn't hot. Truth be told he was shivering and he wondered if that was another thing that should worry him.

He felt unbelievably cold. Frozen even, and it was obvious the bloodsucker was worried about that too.

"I know how this looks, Gulf, but you can worry about the other shit later. You're going to have to drink if you don't want to end up dead before the hour is up." the vampire was muttering, and then somehow, he was shoving his bleeding wrist in front of Gulf's face, and that intoxicating scent he was just imagining earlier was right against his mouth now, urging him to open up for a quick taste.

His lips parted at the same time his gaze locked on the vampire's face. The misery at the curl of his mouth that mirrored in his eyes.

The pain of losing someone so close to his heart.


This vampire's sister.

She's gone.

Because of him.

It will be done, Kanawut. If you're strong enough to get through this, then maybe I'll allow you the courtesy to fight for Suppasit. But until then, you're just a mortal man. Someone with a limited life span. Fragile and breakable like glass. Suppasit needs me, an immortal, to stand by his side. Not a weak human like you.

So it was done. She did it. Or rather, she made his brother do it. To turn him. Obviously thinking he'd get his sister back by doing so.

He didn't. Because Gulf fought with all he had. Fought till the end until Kanarin had no choice but to let it happen, her selfishness getting the best of her.

He's never going to love you like he loved me, Kanawut. Can you live with that?

Oh, but he could. He showed her that. Made her see it for herself. He had not backed down, nor did he allow her to take what was his.

And she gave in. She gave up. Letting him have his body back, and all its added complications. He woke up realizing what she meant, and now he wished he didn't wake up at all.

The vampire was still looking down on him, his agony was a palpable thing in the close proximity. He was obviously suffering, mourning the loss of his sister once again.

Her death must be killing him, as much as it was killing Gulf now to know that he'd turned into something he'd hated all his life. A vampire. A bloodsucking monster.

"Gulf, you have to drink, come on." the vampire insisted, pushing his wrist close to Gulf's face. Offering him another chance, to live, when he could just leave him to die knowing he was the reason his sister was gone.

And yet he was here, offering Gulf his wrist, his own blood for him to drink.

He couldn't do it.

"Gulf -"

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