Part 8 : Back to you

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If anyone asked, he would say he wasn't trying to run.

It's true though. And it was easy enough to lie about certain things when he had an explanation ready in case he had to come up with one. Gulf knew it was just a matter of time before reality was there to catch up with him to bite him in the ass. Literally and figuratively, at least.

No, but this was him trying to do the right thing, really. He heard enough to know what should be done, saw enough to make him reconsider things despite the difficulty. The only regret he had was the fact that he had to leave, that he had to leave Mew behind despite his promise that he'd stay.

But he had to. He had to.

The cafe he stepped into was thankfully not crowded as he sat down on one of the empty tables to think. The next step was very crucial at this point, knowing that he couldn't just go out there recklessly and risk being found. He'd ditched the lycans with hopes they weren't going to be able to find him so quickly, but he had a feeling they'd already reported the matter to Mew the second he went missing.

He was considering ordering himself something to drink when a tall guy entering the cafe caught his eyes. He'd have stood up if he knew he would make it out back without making a scene, but it was obvious Win was onto him.

The younger lycan didn't waste time. In a few strides, he was in front of him, dragging the chair opposite him to sit. At least he didn't look pissed.

"P'Gulf," said Win as he made himself comfortable there, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked Gulf over. "You think you can outrun us, huh? Did you somehow forget we're lycans? I can smell you from miles away, you don't know?"

He huffed, copying the younger lycan's stance without missing a beat. He wouldn't say he wasn't impressed that Win found him not even ten minutes after he'd stepped into the cafe, but he wouldn't hear the lycan say it.

"I was thirsty," he lied, just because he could. "Am I not allowed to get something to drink by myself?"

Win didn't even bat an eyelid. "Thirsty, my ass. You ditched us. You think we don't know? P'Max is pissed. You're lucky I convinced him not to run after you or else he'd have taken you back with his fangs. He almost shifted in the middle of Bangkok when we realized you ran off, you know?"

Gulf lifted an eyebrow at that, amused despite himself. "Ow? Is that even allowed? Won't your boss get mad at you if you do that?"

Win didn't even flinch. "We have our orders to bring you back in one piece however we see fit. P'Mew might have chastised us if that happened, but he'll let us off the hook if he knows you're safe. P'Max would have taken the extreme way if I wasn't there to stop him."

"A human getting dragged around by a lycan? That sounds about right," he huffed. Win shook his head and sighed.

"Phi, I'm being serious here. You've caused P'Mew to worry. I had to report to him that you ditched us, so he's flying back home as we speak to find you himself. Please let's not make this worse than it already is. Come back with me."

Gulf gave the lycan a look, finding him tired despite the usual calm he's trying to show him. The fact made him feel bad, somehow.

"'I'm sorry," he apologized, slumping back on the chair feeling drained. He didn't want to say it but he was tired too, all the fight leaving him as Win stared him over.

"You don't have to be. I know this has been hard for you too. But if you just let P'Mew take care of you, it'll all be okay," Win said. Gulf smiled, knowing where the lycan's loyalty was.

Gulf shook his head. "I just...I'm not sure it's the right thing, you see? I mean, part of me knows I'm where I'm supposed to be, but something tells me I'm missing something. And all these stuff about angels and monsters and lycans - they're all confusing the shit out of me and staying around while P'Mew keeps me in the dark isn't helping."

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