chapter 15

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It's been a month the elder started staying in the mansion and to say he was overwhelmed was a slack, he mostly spent the days laughing and the night crying which the younger had noticed like one night when the younger went to take a glass of water because he was thirsty but to his surprise he heard cries and sniffles coming from the other rooms...

He wondered what happened but when he began listening to the man's words he couldn't help but sigh, he's really trying to make the younger forget about his past but why was the pretty male still holding on to it if it will bring him much pain , who was this taehyung and why can't he just let him go , he remembered the elder telling him that he's married now so why can't the man forget about him already, he stood behind the door hating himself for not being able to help the younger in his most vulnerable state, he stood there for a while until he heard soft snores and that's when he finally got down to drink his water he came out for...

While he was chugging down his glass, he thought of an idea that will somehow divert his attention on not thinking of his past and he couldn't wait for morning to come so he can share the information with him, if he'll like it or not..


Hyung I was thinking if maybe I give you one of my dad's cafe shop if you don't mind '.

The elder was too weak to hear the other but nodded and that's when the younger hugged him on excitement but to his surprise he felt the younger's temperature be unfairly hot and to check if he was right or wrong he touched his head and felt the elder was burning...

Hyung, hyung.... You're burning, it's like you have a fever..

The elder weakly shook his head as he protested saying he's okay..

The younger being a stubborn, carried the younger and placed him at the backseat of his car as he changed his PJs to something casual driving to the hospital...he noticed the younger fainted so he immediately called his doctor on his way so the elder will be given immediate attention on getting there and that's what happened...

He was placed on a stretcher to the operation room so as to check on the elder, with the way the nurses looked at his horrified expression they didn't let him in so he won't get blood pressure, he could see them only from the window ....

After about 50 minutes the doctor came out and spoke to the younger eyeing him in some kinda way...

Yeojun: "Doc, how's he??... Is he okay? , Please tell me doc , is he awake..

Doctor: Mr , please calm down but I need to know who's he to you?

Yeojun: what's your business with who I am to him, the younger replied already pissed with his unreasonable questions..

Doctor: I need to know who you are before I share any information about the patient to you..

Yeojun lost it, he grabbed a chair as he threw it to the old man's direction but to the man's luck , he dodged it , some nurses came to hold yeojun down because of his angered state he may be 19 but he looked like a grown up adult because of the aura he always presented...

Yeojun: I've had enough with your bullshit, if you don't tell me how his doing,. I swear I'll shut your hospital down..

Mr Song, the doctor yeojun called earlier came behind to save his friend from yeojun's wrath.

"Calm down... come with me, I'll tell you everything..

He took the younger to his office giving him a glass of drink which he declined demanding he wants to know the information about the elder..

Mr Song:  I know the patient you brought his someone important to you but I won't question much as I've never seen you in a while so I won't know your doings much but what my colleague was trying to ask you is for the safety of the patient, nothing more..

Yeojun: I know but if he wasn't an important person in my life then I wouldn't be this worried hyung!.. he stated a little harshly..

Mr Song: I see, well, about your patient we have good news and bad news..

Yeojun: Say..

Mr Song: He has high blood pressure which he needs to handle seriously because he's pregnant that's the Good news!! He said smiling

But the younger couldn't reply, it was like he got striked by thunder in many folds, he just stared blankly as words weren't coming from he's mouth...


The flashback is coming to an end soon, please bare with me  as it's needed in the story...stay blessed 😇🌝

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