chapter 18

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Taehyung was ecstatic on the news of the younger.. he hasn't gotten a glimpse of his bunny for 3years , he missed him so much he knows Jungkook will never leave him , he was so happy, genuinely happy for a long while...he was in a total good mood which got spoilt as he had an important meeting at the office...

He quickly got dressed, called his secretary to start the meeting now as his on his way to the office, he really doesn't want to waste much time as he wants to be there when the school close to see his bunny again...


He was currently at the office waiting for the other, he was 30 minutes late and when he was just about to cutt of the appointment, A man on his 50' s walked inside the office with a sweaty appearance, breathing heavily..

Taehyung just gave him a Stony expression and the man could clearly understand the "you're late" face...

" Please sit down, let's start the meeting...


Meanwhile Jungkook just dropped Gayeon to school and was headed to the cafe as he was stopped by an elderly woman who was nearly hit by his car , he got down to check on the woman if she was alright,. While another pair of eyes were looking intensely at the boy and to his surprise it was really Jungkook...

"Are you alright mam, please watch while you crossing next time... he spoke softly as he could...

"Thanks son, I'm a little bit dizzy, I didn't see the car coming my way ' she spoke breathlessly..

Why don't I drop you, then..

Thanks my son"he smiled warmly at the poor woman...

Bogumie ! Thank God you're here, I've actually been trying to call you for a while...

Can you handle him for a while, there's somewhere I'm supposed to be now as he was glancing at the time which almost stroked 3 ..

Uhh... Tae, I actually came to tell you, If I could take a leave as I'm feeling unwell..

The elder sighed, it's okay take rest, if you're feeling unwell...

He bowed as he smirked...

Taehyung tried his best to finish the meeting as soon as possible but the deal was just expanding from time to time and he realized he won't be able to see the younger today ... He hated dealing with elderly people as their negotiations were slow...

He went to pick up Nivi from school who kept complaining of how late he was but when he bought her some chocolates and ask how her day was , she completely forgot she was angry with her ahjussi because she couldn't stop blabbering about this "Gayeon guy " and he also wondered who the said boy was....

"You didn't see him , did you?

How did you know, he said glancing at her...

You look gloomy and you came back home"she winked...

He couldn't help but chuckle..

She was right, if he really saw the younger, he would spend the rest of the night with him but to clear up her dirty mind he responded '

But who would have brought Nivi, home?

Tena didn't reply as she crossed her arms walking upstairs totally defeated...


I know y'all are waiting for the reunion but I don't know why I keep prolonging the story 🤦

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