Chapter 3- Sophie

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Sophie's POV

Sophie and Keefe were officially together now! She couldn't belive it. She went to bed that night smiling.

When she woke up in the morning she got ready and imeditly hail her boyfreind. Ok calling Keefe her boyfriend was the best feeling in the world! When he finally answered he was acting really strange. I mean theres Keefe strange then just plain odd.

I hung up after telling him to get ready. I got to school and waited for him. I waited, and waited, and waited. First bell rang. Then second.

Ok something was wrong. Keefe ditches yeah, but he doesn't skip. Not usally at least. Once lunch came around I hailed him.

No answer. Now I was worried. Thats it. I'm going to his house right now.

"Silvershade!" I called to the leapmaster. Then I remebered the leapmaster was off. Dang it. Ok looks like I'll ahve to face Grady and Edaline's questions. I can handle that. Right?

Turns out Grady was more mad then I had expected.

"Sophie?" Edaline asked when she spoted me.


"What on earth are you doing home young lady?!" Grady asked obviously mad.

"Um... Well Keefe--" I started.

"Not that boy! Missy your grounded. And get back to school." Grady cut me off.


"Nope I agree with your father. School now!"

I sighed and headed to the house. I needed to wait it out at school I guess. Or do I?

"I know that look Miss Foster. Don't even think about it." Sandor said behind me, "I know you and Mr. Sencen are closer now but he misses school all the time. I won't let you directly disobey Grady and Edaline."

Did he have to know me so well?

"Look you don't know Keefe as well as I do. Somethings wrong. Yes he ditches classes but he never, and I mean never, skips completely. This morning he was acting off. Sandor please I am doing this one way or another, so am I finding a way to dith you or are you coming?" I said fuming.

Sandor sighed. "I go where you go. Though I can garentee Grady and Edaline won't be happy about this."


Sandor just shook his head.

"Silvershade," I called. The leapmaster spun shoing us the crystal to Keefe's new place. "Let's do this."

With that me and Sandor went to Keefe's place.

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