Chapter 11- Sophie

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Sophie's POV

So Percy is crazy. He almost got himself killed. Then who knows what would have happened to Keefe. Anyways we were now at the door to an apartment.

Percy knocked hesitantly.

"What's wrong," I asked watching to see how nervous he was.

He sighed. "I told my mom not to trust anyone. Especially when they claim to be me."

Well that's just great. The one chance we had if getting to Percys girlfriend and Keefe was Percys mom. Andre she probably won't believe us. Gosh could my life her any worse.

I was dragged from my thoughts when a beautiful woman answerved the door. She was smiling very widely. "Uh hello can I help you?"

"Look I know your not going to believe me but," Pervy paused. "Your name is Sally Jackson-"

Sally looked taken aback. "Who Are you?!"

"Mom listen-"

"I am not your mother! Leave!" Sally shouted obviously scared.

"Percy. That's enough she's just scared." I turned to Sally, "My name is Sophie Foster. And I promise you we speak the truth. Ask him anything. Something only Percy would know."

Percy looked thankfully at me as Sally pondered what to ask. "What color do we like to make our food?" She asked which I had no idea what that meant but Percy smiled.

"Blue. We make everything we eat blue if we can." Percy stated so sure and confident I knew Sally had to believe.

Sally looked sceptical still but she asked another question, "Why do we chose blue?"

Percy knew the answerved right away, "Becuase Smelly Gabe said there was no blue food. Now it's kinda our thing. It's me mom. I swear."

Sally walked forward. "How?"

Percy sighed, "Honestly I don't know mom. I wish I did."

Sally realized we were still in the doorway and featured inside, "Come on in."

Me and Percy followed her in.

"So Percy what do you guys need? I'd imagine your be trying to contact Annabeth?" Sally questioned.

"Well we-" He was cut off when he doubled over in pain.

"Percy?!" Me and his mom shouted at the same time.

His face contorted with pain as his mom picked him up and brought him to the couch and places placed him on it. Percy muttered barely audibly, "Anna.....Beth.."

Percys head then rolled to the side and he passed out.

His mom shook him alarmed and I started pacing. When Sally was sure he wasn't waking up she turned to me. "What happened?"

"I don't  know. But earlier he said something was wrong with Annabeth. Hes been in pain a lot but never as much as this time. I think Annabeth may be able to help though. Do you know how to get us there?" I had stopped pacing to face her now.

"Well yes. I'll have to leave Paul a note though. I don't want him to worry." Seeing my confused face she added, "My husband."

"Ok well let's just find a way to get Percy home. And hopefully back as his old self. And I can get Keefe back." I thought aloud.

Sally nodded. She scribled out a note on a post-it. It read:

Percy needed me. Be back soon. You know where I'll be.

Your love,

She had beautiful handwriting. Anyways we headed out the door. Sally was carrying Keefe --or I guess Percy-- in her arms. We reached the street and Sally pointed to a small van with dents in the roof.

"The keys are in my pocket." Sally told me. I pulled the keys out of her sweatshirt pocket and I locked the car. Sally put Percy in and I sat next to him.

"Where are we going?" I asked when she started backing up.

"Camp Half-blood."

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