Chapter 14- Keefe

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Keefe's POV

This whole 'Camp Half-Blood' or whatever it's called was weird. And that's saying a lot; cause I'm dating a girl who was made by a rebel group. With Alicorn DNA. From me saying something is weird means it weird.

Not that Sophies weird. Not to me. She's just special, but that's why I love her.

"Keefe? Are you even listening to me?" Sophie asked.

"Huh. Oh uh- Yeah of course could you Just repeat that?" I asked her giving her a sly smirk.

Sophie sighed. "You never listen to anything!"

"One, that's why you love me. Two of it makes you feel any better I was thinking about how much I love you!"

She smirked (Not my smirk but it was almost as good), "Don't think that gets you off the hook mister!"

I have her my signature smirk just to show her up. "Come on Foster you know you love me."

Suddenly Sophie frowned.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Everything," she whispered softly, looking at the ground. "None of this is right. When you smirk it doesn't look right. Your hair is all wrong. You aren't you. And I hate that, Keefe. I really do. I want to go home. And more importantly I want you back. And not this you I mean the real you." She sighed at the end and I watched as a small drop but hit the ground.

I grabbed her chin and confirmed that she was crying. "Foster look at me. I might not look like me but I'm still me. And I agree with you on the whole 'hair' situation--but seriously This guy needs to work on his hair. Believe me I want to go home to but we can't. We dont even have a Crystal and even if we did I'm not me."

Sophie sniffed and nodded. I heard footsteps behind us.

"I will never get used to seeing that." My voice said only it didn't come from me. This whole situation was extremely weird.

Annabeth chuckled, "I hope it goes back to normal soon. I am getting tired of not being able to kiss you."

Percy smirked. It looked so wrong that both me and Sophie cringed. When Percy noticed our looks his smirk faded. "What?"

"Well for one," I stood up and fixed his hair. Or is it my hair? "The hair needs to be taken seriously, and second don't ever do that again. Unless you learn to smirk properly, no smirking." When I was satisfied I sat back down.

Sophie and Annabeth were both laughing.

"Is he always like that?" Annabeth asked Sophie.

"Pretty much. He takes his hair way-" Sophie started.

"Don't you dare say I take it too seriously cuase have you met my dad?" I cut her off very offended.

"Actually that's a good point." At that we all burst into laughter.

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