Chapter 1: Never enough.

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~Unknown POV~

This is it... This is what I have to do to get the dice rolling. This the first step to achieving freedom, eternal freedom. After I jump down this wall, and into action, there's no turning back. There's a small chance that I may die today. But I'm willing to take that risk to achieve eternal freedom and save humanity. This is what Ymir wants, what I want, and what everyone else wants as well.

My face and head is covered by the spare signature Survey corps cape that I found inside head quarters. My body is well camouflaged with the other members... No one will suspect me until the act is done. Just as planned.

The sun is shining and the refreshing breeze is doing its best to take off my hood over my head, but fortunately it's way to weak to blow it off. If it wasn't for the horrific sight of reality, today would be seen as a beautiful day.

I'm standing at the edge of the wall, looking down on the many titans roaming around down below. The colossal titan just made a hole in the wall for the many pure titans to get inside the district known as Trost.

This is it. I will prove my worth for everyone standing on top of these walls. To the Survey corps, Captain Levi, Commander Erwin, Captain Hange, the Garrison Regiment, the new scouts, everyone. Everyone's eyes will be set on me. I will make sure of it. And I will even make sure to not go all out in order to achieve today's goals.

The ODM gear on each side of my hips are weighing me down, yet I feel weightless as I take a few steps back and sprint towards the edge and jump.

And I can't help but to smile to myself and wonder...

Is this the freedom the birds in the sky feel?

"Hey!! What are you doing?! The mission hasn't started yet!!" I hear someone yelling as I'm falling down from the 50 meter high wall.

I can't stop smiling at the big feeling of freedom that only last a couple of seconds before I have to shoot myself forward with my borrowed ODM gear. I fly through the air, free as a bird while I sense everyone's eyes on me. Just like planned...

Before I know it, the first titan is within sight and I quickly shoot myself towards it and kills it with great agility. Not long after I see another one and kills it, then another one, and another one. And it goes on like that.

I make eye contact with the all famous captain Levi as the hood of my cape flies off, and suddenly his eyes reflect pure rage and disappointment. I look at Commander Erwin, Hange and a bunch of other scouts. They're all watching me.

"Everyone, forward!!" Is what you hear from Commander Erwin before the Survey Corps and the Garrison Regiment move forward to join me in this killing spree. They really couldn't let me have this debut by myself, could they?

I decide to ignore them as the big smile of freedom returns back on my face. And as I keep killing all these titans without any mercy, It all goes as smooth as a dance. Through all the screams of some humans getting eaten alive, and the thuds of the walking titans, I keep killing the huge cannibalistic creatures. Some people gets saved as I kill the titans that are about to eat them, and some ends up getting eaten by the fact that I don't have 8 arms like an octopus.

Suddenly, I hear a loud roar followed by a lightning strike, and a titan appears. It somehow seems different than the others, more aware and more competent as it's killing the titans and ignores the humans. As long as it doesn't kill the humans, I'll let it do it's thing... or so I would've thought if this wasn't my debut day.

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