Chapter 19. Flour fight

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~Destiny's POV~

"Tiny, you're dead meat." Hange says dead serious before a smile cracks on her lips and she get up on the table, and jumping down to where I am, as I let out a squeak before running around the kitchen with both Levi and Hange chasing after me with both their hands filled with flour.

"Hey! No fair! I didn't use that much flou- UUUUR!!" I yell as I duck down on the ground when Hange attempts to throw one of her piles of flour at me.

"Should've thought about that beforehand dipshit." Levi says with a slight smirk on his face as he comes up from behind me with both hands filled with flour, ready to attack. He flips his hands to push the flour up in my face, but I quickly grab ahold of his wrists and basically has him shoving flour up his own face, leaving me laughing like a child. "Oh now you're definitely dead meat." He says chuckling seriously before going back to the bag of flour to fill his hands before chasing me around the kitchen together with Hange.

I rush to the sink and fills a glass with water that I splash on their flour covered faces, leaving them both a bit shocked before they look at eachother, "Wait, no no no, have mercy-!" I squeak loudly as they throw the flour in their hands at my face, creating a POOF sound as the flour hit my now surprised face.

"I'll get you back for that!!" I say and rush back to the sink to fill up my glass of water while they restock their flour stash in their hands.

We start chasing eachother around the kitchen once more before I splash my water at Hange who stands infront of the kitchen door. She dodges the water quickly, and suddenly, the door flies open, "Who's in danger!?" Splash, the water hits poor, newly waked up Armin who's still in his pyjamas, leaving him standing there frozen as if processing what just happened.

Finally he wipes away the water from his face and opens his eyes, leaving him even more speechless than he was before when he sees our flour covered faces and drenched clothes. ".... What.... Is this why you were screaming..?" He finally asks us as I look at Levi and Hange and then back at Armin, giving him a nod.

"We're baking bread..." I add before pointing at the flour filled bowl on the kitchen counter as we stand there staring at eachother once again. I can't contain myself anymore and I grab some flour from Levi's hand and throws it in Hanges face.

"You shouldn't have done that, blondie." Hange says with a huge mischievous smirk as she throws flour back at my face, and just like that, the flour fight is back in business with Armin trying to stop us from fighting.

"H-hey, why don't we calm down and just... bake the bread?" Armin suggests as he tries to stop our flour fight while doing his best to now get hit with flour or drenched with water.

"Shut up, brat." Levi says and throws flour in Hanges face as I gasp at his comment.

"Hey! Don't call Armin a brat you clean freak!!" I yell back at my brother and empties my glass of water on his face.

"I can call whoever I want, whatever I want." He says and shoves a handful of flour up in my face before suddenly the kitchen door flies open, revealing Eren in the doorframe with Mikasa and Armin behind him. Armin must've left to get them. I honestly didn't even hear him leave.

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