Chapter 10. Mission day

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~Destiny's POV~

Today's the day. The day I will see the outside world. Or well, it may just be wall Maria, but for me it's so much more. Being almost locked in the HQ almost all your life because your brother is to protective, has led me to not see much more than the backyard and the streets of the city. And for the first time in my life, I'll get a taste of freedom.

And guess what? I'm going fighting in my dress today because I'm not finished with proving my point to Levi until after the mission.

"Destiny, focus." I get thrown back into reality when Levi snaps his fingers infront of my face.

We're sitting on our horses, ready for departing in 10 minutes. Theres a crowd of citizens alongside the houses, watching as we're getting ready for departing. "Right... Sorry."

Levi comes up closer to me who's sitting on my white horse, Fragment, once again ready for action. "Destiny. Please, be careful out there. And know that whatever happens, I'm there to protect you." He says quietly with a worried expression on his face, even though he makes sure that no one else than I can see his anxiousness.

I stay on my horse just to help my brother hide his anxiousness from everyone else, giving him a soft and reassuring smile as I take his hand, also making sure that no one sees it so it doesn't get awkward for us or so that people start teasing us later for actually showing emotions. "Don't worry, I will. And I got your back as well. You can ask for help if it gets tough, you know?" I tease him to help him get on better thoughts as he chuckles.

"Never. The day where I stop drinking tea has to come before I ever ask a brat like you for help." He jokes with a smile on his face before the grip on my hand tightens softly before he let it go, walking towards his own horse.

I'm still smiling slightly as I see my short tea obsessed brother walk towards his horse, before I suddenly realise that we're missing someone. "Has anyone seen Reiner?" I ask, looking around at everyone on their horses. Everyone's here, Commander Erwin, Levi, Hange, Mikasa, Eren, Armin, Sasha, Connie, Ymir, Krista, Jean and Bertholdt; we're just missing Reiner.

"Oh, Reiner got stomach sick. So he won't be apart of the mission today." Bertholdt says with a smile as I nod.

"Alright then, everyone's here." Commander Erwin says and nods before looking back at me and Eren who's positioned at the back of the lineup. "Are you ready for transforming as soon as we get out of Wall Rose?"

"Yes sir." We both say in answer to The Commanders question before he gives us a determined nod.

"Good." He says before looking forward as the gate opens up, leaving everyone as nervous and anxious as ever, "Everyone, forward!!!" The Commander yells as the horses starts galloping forward and to the outside of Wall Rose.

I take a look to my right where Eren is ridning forward on his horse, he looks as determined as ever. Even though I'm quite determined right now as well, there's this feeling I have, telling me that I'm missing something. Like the feeling that sits in your gut, just telling you that something is going in the wrong direction of what you planned. But I decide to push that gut feeling aside and ignore it. I mean, what could go wrong?

"Eren! Destiny! Transform now!!" Erwin yells from the front of the formation as I nod in response, me and Eren slowing out horses down to leave them behind for now so they don't get killed when we transform. We give eachother a nod as we run in two separate directions as the scouts keeps galloping forward.

I take the small kitchen knife from my pocket that I brought with me to transform, holding it against the palm of my hand. I look over at Eren who goes with his usual "biting hand technique" looking as confident and tough as usual. I still don't get how he does that.

With one cut from the kitchen knife and a goal in mind, I transform into my titan, running alongside Eren's titan who looks quite short compared to mine, which is no surprise since there's a three meter height difference.

Eren runs up to the front of the formation, while I stay at the back of the formation, so that they're protected from any titan attack on the way towards the big woods outside of Karanese.

I look around and quickly sees a titan about 4 meters tall approaching the middle of the formation from the east, "Titan incoming from the east, heading towards the middle of the formation!" I say before making my way over to the right middle part of the formation, using my foot to stomp on the 4 meter tall titan before picking him up and tearing his nape open with my jaw.

I look back at the formation as there are more titans approaching them while Eren fights off two 10 meter titans. "Four titans approaching, two from west, one from north and one from south!" I yell again since I've gotten the title of the official titan warner.

I let Eren take on the two titans he's dealing with at the moment while I take on the one coming from North first, it's muck taller and so I sweep it down on the ground using my leg before using my shart and long nails to slice his nape open. I then head for the two titans coming from West, punching the first one in the face before taking his arm and throws it at the other titan, then proceeding to rip their napes open with my teeth. I then take care of the last titan coming at the formation from South, before I feel fast footsteps approaching from behind us. It's The Female Titan.

"The Female Titan is approaching from south!" I yell, quickly taking a stance to defend the formation.

She's not killing anyone on my watch.

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