Chapter 14. Soldier

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~Destiny's POV~

"PETRA!!!" I yell in horror as I jump down from my horse, almost tripping on my dress as I sprint towards Petras cold, bloody and soulless body. I place my hand over her mouth, in hopes to feel a breath, but I feel none. I use my fingers and place them on her wrist to feel her pulse, but again, I feel none. My eyes widen in horror once again ad the realisation hits me. "No..."

My lips start quivering, my body shaking as tears start escaping my eyes. Levi runs up to me who's sitting on the ground, holding Petra in my arms, tears streaming down my face, "Petra!!" He says in a panic, imideatly getting down on his knees to my level. I look at him, shaking my head as to tell him that she's long gone.

That's when another realisation hits me. Petra was in the exact same position as she was when she was killed in my vision about the mission. It looked like murder. If she got targeted... they're not as well, right..?

My eyes widen and I immediately get up, running inside the head quarters, "Destiny!!" Mikasa yells as she runs after me inside. Eren stands there for a second, contemplating if he should do the same as Mikasa and run after me, or stay where he still seem mad at me for protecting Annie. But he ends up running after us as well.

I notice Luna outside of Olou's room as I kick the door open, seeing Olou laying on his stomach on the wooden floor in a pool of blood, multiple stab wounds to his back, with a bloody pillow beside his body. He too, is in the same position as he was in my vision where he died during the original plan of the mission.

I rush up to him, checking his body temperature, pulse and breath. But just like Petra, he's long gone. Mikasa and Eren looks at his body in horror as I get up, my body as shakily as ever as I quickly walk past them in the doorframe, walking towards Eld's room in quick steps. Luna is following after me, and Mikasa and Eren too after snapping back into reality.

I open Eld's room that's surprisingly unlocked, before I meet Eld laying on his back in his bed with his throat sliced open, his head laying in a pool of blood, also laying in the position like he did in my vision about the mission. Panic and hope is rising in me, hoping that Gunter is alive at least, but panic and anxiety is telling me otherwise.

I run out of the door the tears in a clump inside my throat as I make my way through the stony corridors with Eren, Mikasa and Luna after me as I break inside Gunters room standing in the doorframe, only to find him hanging upside down from the ceiling, his throat also cut upen with blood running down his face, all the way down to his hair and then dripping down onto the floor.

He's dead... They're all dead. In the end, I couldn't save them. All of the achievements during our mission, for what? For this?

I fall down on my knees in the doorframe. The long awaited tears finally breaking loose for real as I let out a cry of horror, sobbing uncontrollably as I lean forward, almost resting my forhead against the cold and hard wooden floor.

I'm such a fool... how will I ever be able to save humanity if I couldn't even save four people?

Suddenly I feel a pair of arms wrap around me, consoling me in my time of need. I don't even bother to look and see who it is, nor do I have the energy to do so. But I can tell by the smell that it's Mikasa.

I feel ashamed. Not only am I letting myself showing myself vulnerable in front of Eren and Mikasa, but it's like the wall holding my emotions has been teared down completely. How will Levi react to this? Because of me, his squad is dead. I wouldn't blame him if he blamed me for their deaths. It's only right after I couldn't save them in the end.

"I-I killed them..." I sob uncontrollably, my chest rising and falling in a fast pace, my eyes wide and my head spinning like never before.

"The hell are you talking about?" Eren asks looking down at me in confusion, you can hear it in his voice that he's still mad at me.

"Eren." Mikasa says harshly at him before I shake my head.

"The hell do you mean with that?" Is what I hear after the sound of fast footsteps coming towards us. It's my brother, Levi. Great. Just great.

I look at my brother, only to break down into more tears after looking at his face. I see how his face softens at the sight of me, looking down at me on the floor with his eyebrows furrowed slightly in concern and sadness.

"N-no... I couldn't protect them... I-I failed them... I-If it wasn't for me, they might have still been alive.. H-how am I ever gonna protect humanity if I couldn't even protect four people...!" The feeling of hopelessness is overwhelming and the big clump sitting over my chest is just becoming bigger and bigger. "I'm sorry, big brother... I couldn't protect them..."

Levi sighs and kneels down infront of me, "Destiny... are you blind?" Is what he asks me and I just look at him dumbfounded.


"I asked, are you blind? Because sure, my squad got murdered. But if you didn't come up with the new plan for today's mission, hundreds if not thousands of soldiers would've been lost. You managed to protect so many soldiers in the end, and you can't even see it? God you're hopeless..." He chuckles sadly before embracing me in a big, warm hug. The first hug I've gotten in such a long time after disobeying his rules for all this time just to get into the Corps.

"The fate of these four was something out of your control. You couldn't have done anything differently to change the outcome. You should be proud of your achievements of saving those thousands of soldiers lives... I'm proud of you.. Good job, Tiny." He says and pulls away with a proud yet sad smile on his face, patting me on the head.

My teats slow down for a second as I stare at him with wide eyes, I'm in disbelief, "You're officially a soldier now."

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