Chapter 6. Are you really gonna train in that?

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~Destiny's POV~

"My name's Mikasa, by the way. Mikasa Ackerman." The red scarfed girl says and let's go of Eren who's still laying on his back on the ground, giving of a groan in pain before sitting up.

My eyes widen slightly as I hear her last name, no wonder she looks familiar. If I remember correctly, I've seen her in my visions a couple of times as well. "Mikasa Akerman eh? Oh right, that makes us third cousins. My mother was second cousins with your father if I remember it correctly." I let go of the ash brown haired guy and looks at Mikasa as her eyes seem to light up.

"You're... family?" I nod to her question before she gives me a soft smile.

"What? No way vision girl is an Ackerman. You don't even look alike. Isn't it an Ackerman thing to have black hair?" The ash brown haired guy asks from the ground as he sits up and I let out a sigh and shakes my head.

I look at Mikasa and points at Jean, "What's that guys name?"

"Jean. Jean Kirstein." Mikasa is about to answer, with her lips parted but the ash brown haired guy proceeds to me his name instead.

"Well then Jean, I really think you should learn more about genes and perhaps retake all your biology lessons you got as a trainee." I roll my eyes and look at Mikasa and Eren. "Either way. Like Commander Erwin said, I'm gonna be training with you until the mission next month."

"You're really gonna train in that?" Eren asks as he looks at my dress and then up at my face.

"For goodness sake..." I sigh and place my forhead in my palm for a brief second, literally everyone is asking me the same question. "Yes I'm gonna train in this because I'm proving another point to Levi. Let me be." I say and cross my arms. "Either way, that's besides the point, we should train now. What do you usually do? One on one? Do you use wooden swords? Hand on hand?"

"Well honestly, we're allowed to choose for ourselves as long as we train." Mikasa says and shrugs, Eren giving me a confirming nod.

I look at them, it kinda makes sense since they've endured 3 years of hard training as trainees, so any type of training should be fine as long as they keep their reflexes, shape and senses up at max. "Alright then, you decide since I'm sure you guys have preferences compared to me who's here for the first time. I don't really care."

Mikasa looks at me and nods, "Then, how about training with the wood swords?"

"What? No way, hand on hand is much more fun." Eren protests, still sitting on the ground for whatever reason, starting to argue slightly with Mikasa, pointing out things why swords are so boring.

"Isn't vision girl here a bit to tiny to do any of that?" Jean asks with a raised eyebrow as Eren gets quiet, both him and Mikasa looking at Jean like he's dumb.

"Oh yes, you're totally right Jean... Why don't you and I have a hand on hand instead? I feel like I can trust you with training." I say with a sarcastic fake smile, while ready to show him just how wrong he is about this.

"Um, sure?" Jean says before getting into fighting stance, me doing the same while waiting for him to make the first move.

Jean takes a while, but then suddenly attempts to throw a punch at my stomach, to which I dodge by taking a step to the side and then grabbing his arm and using my leg to sweep his feet off the ground, causing him to fall on his back with a loud thud followed by the sound of him gasping for air for a brief second. "T-the hell?"

"Advise for next time, Jean, don't judge a book by its cover." I turn around to Eren and Mikasa who's looking at me with a approving nod. They're probably not that surprised by my strength since they saw me in action yesterday at Trost.

"Tch, whatever."

The rest of the training goes by with some dudes wanting to fight me and then ending up on the ground, and when the day is finally over, Eren and Mikasa introduces me to the 104th squad. Nothing out of the ordinary happens until I'm bombarded by a bunch of questions from two people named Sasha and Connie.

"Is it true that you're Levi's sister?"

"Do you really have visions?"

"Are you related to Mikasa as well?"

"Why are you wearing a dress?"

"You don't really look like Levi, are you step-siblings?"

"What's your favourite food?"

"Is it meat?! You're so tiny and cute, do you have a good nickname?"

"Are your visions some kind of blessing?"

"Or miracle?"

Gasps "Are you a goddess!?"

They keep looking at me with their eyes sparkling like crazy in excitement and I wouldn't be surprised if I saw stars in them next.

"Um... Am I supposed to answer them all?" I ask confused with a raised eyebrow before they nod eagerly and I let out a quiet sigh as I do my best to remember all the questions they just asked me.

"Alright then... Let's see... Yes, I am Levi's sister, or well his stepsister to be specific and Mikasa's third cousin. Yes I have visions of the future, past and present and I have no idea how I got them or why. I'm wearing a dress because I'm proving a point to Levi. My favourite food is probably chicken. And no, I don't have a nickname." I lie at two of the answers. I do know why I have my visions and where I got them from and I do have a nickname. Everyone seems to buy my lies until Eren ruins the last one.

"Nope, Captain Levi, Captain Hange and the rest of their teams call her Tiny." He says with crossed arms and Sasha's eyes together with Krista's light up with stars.

"That makes so much sense! Since you're short and Tiny is a part of your name!" Krista says with a smile on her lips.

"Really? I never noticed." I say sarcastically, giving Eren a glare for sharing my nickname out of the blue.

After that I kept writing down my visions regarding the upcoming mission while training with the scouts and hanging out more around the 104th squad and then Eren, Mikasa and Armin after training. This went on until the week of the mission came and it is now time to tell Commander Erwin, Captain Levi and Captain Levi about everything I've learned from my visions about the mission up until now.

The morning of the day before the mission, I knock on the door to Commander Erwin's office with my notebook in my hand, "Come on in." Is heard from the inside by Erwins voice and I open up the door and walks inside, "Ah, Destiny you're here. Now tell us everything."

The DestinyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora