Chapter 16. Green eyes

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~Eren's POV~

Destiny takes her things and quickly puts it into her fabric bag she brought with her, then quickly getting out of here without meeting any of our eyes after she took her diary back from me. Did I see a blush on her cheeks as she grabbed it from me? Nah...

"Did she just write some sort of poem of someone she loves?" Krista asks in shock and concern.

"You call that a poem?" Ymir asks with a raised eyebrow and crossed arms before the others agree.

"Yeah, not to be rude but that might have been the worst poem I've ever heard." Connie says.

"Hey! At least she tried!" Krista says with furrowed eyebrows.

"It might not even be a poem, you know? She just described her feelings and the person at hand." Reiner says as the others nod.

"But either way. There's a big problem at hand." Krista says with determined and serious eyes.

"Um... is there?" Armin asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes! Destiny is in love, and we haven't even been able to congratulate her, and we won't be able to unless we know who it is; but knowing Destiny, she'll NEVER tell us!" Krista says so fast that you can barely make out what she's saying.

"That's the problem?" Sasha asks with her eyebrow raised, chewing on a cooked chicken wing.

"Yes! Of course it is!" Krista adds again as the other looks at her silently, including me.

"I mean, I wouldn't view it as a problem, but I have to admit that I'm getting very curious about who it is." Bertholdt says as we nod.

"How do we find out who she's referring too?" Sasha asks with her mouth full.

"I don't think we have any other choice but to use the information we have and simply guess. Knowing Tiny, she'd rather die than telling us who it is." Reiner says as we nod again.

"Alright then, what do we know so far?" Jean asks as we gather inside a circle to talk about what we know about Tiny's crush.

"Eren, you were the one reading the diary, do you remember her describing this person visually?" Armin asks as he looks at me.

I nod and thinks back for a second, "Hmm... to sum all her big and long words up, it was someone with light green eyes and dark brown hair. Personally she described them as stubborn, hard headed and impulsive." I look around at the others in the circle who looks at me in silence.

"Does that remind anyone of someone?" Armin asks and looks around the circle who looks at him in confusion.

"I mean yea-" Ymir starts speaking but cuts herself off when Armin gives her a weird and kind of stern look, which makes her clear her throat, "Yeah no. I mean yeah no."

I look at her with a raised eyebrow. "Honestly, I think we're waisting time here. If she doesn't want us to know, we shouldn't invade her personal space." Mikasa looks at us with her arms crossed as we look at her, completely disagreeing with her.

"Oh come on, that's so bori-" Jean gets caught off by both Mikasa and Armin giving him the same stern look that Armin gave Ymir a second ago. "I think Mikasa is right."

The rest of them look around at eachother, their looks shifting from confused to realisation, to determination before they all nod at Jean's words in agreement. "Sorry Eren, but we shouldn't be invading her privacy."

I look at them in disbelief, before groaning in frustration. Something is fishy here, but I have no time to waste on that. "Fine. I'll find it out by myself then, and when I know the answer, I won't be sharing it!" I look at them with a determined look before I get out of the sunny, green and flower filled garden.

"Good luck on that, stupid- OW!" Is what's heard from Jean as I leave and I smirk for myself, knowing that Mikasa hit him in the head in the end.

I have to come up with a plan. A plan to get ahold of Tiny's diary once more, since there's no way she'll just tell me. It won't be an easy task to get to her diary either. I will have to lure her away from her diary somehow, or take it whenever she doesn't have it with her. It should be in her room, since that's where anyone most likely would have their books and diaries. I just need to find a way to get into her room and read the diary without noticing.

Suddenly it hits me; the perfect plan.

I wait until dusk before I set my masterplan in motion. The clock is around 11 PM, and it's getting dark only now because of the summer. I walk through the stony corridors of the head quarters, heading towards Tiny's room with the hair pin in my hand. Once I arrive, I place an ear against the door to see if she's awake, but it's dead silent and the lights are off, so she must be asleep. I feel the doorknob, but as expected, it's locked.

I take the hair pin and kneel down before the door, using the pin to unlock it before heading inside quietly. My eyes quickly meet a pair of bright yellow eyes in the dark, followed with a small hiss, "Shhh... Luna it's me... don't worry..." I whisper quietly to her, walking up to her and petting her head as she lays next to Tiny's head on her pillow, keeping her safe. I smile at them before I turn to her desk, and as expected, her diary is laying there.

I walk up to her desk and picks her diary up again, browsing through the pages before I find the entry with the poem like writing, 'With green eyes as bright and colourful as the peaceful leaves stuck on a tree, flowing with the wind, and hair as dark as tree bark from an old oak tree, you're like the nature yourself. For long I've dreamed of freedom, but even inside these caged walls, you make me free as a bird when you're around. Never in 2000 years did I think I would ever be able to put up with you, but even so your stubborn, hard headed and impulsiveness, but they've grown on me more than I would want to admit. Instead of annoyance at the thought of you, I find myself drawing towards you more than just in my thoughts. I might be going crazy, or perhaps my heart tells me the truth when it says I love you, I love you, I love, I love, I love him.' I read to myself in my mind.

I look down at the page in disappointment, I was expecting a name, but instead got a pronoun. I leg out a sigh, placing the book down on the table once again, making my way towards the door before Luna jumps down from Tiny's bed, walking to me and strokes herself against my leg before she jumps up on the desk, sitting down besides the book purring. I raise my eyebrow but walks back to the desk, Luna stands up and somehow her tail turns the page, and to my surprise, there's a recent page I didn't see earlier.

I pet Luna on the head, "Good girl..." I whisper as she purrs again, before I pick the diary up and starts reading it, 'Dear diary, today I was almost exposed. He's so stupid, annoying, dumb and cocky that I want to punch the stupidly gorgeous face he has! Yet my heart was beating so fast in anticipation as his name was almost revealed to him; but in the end I stopped him. He was just about to say the words I had written down, "I love you, I love you, I love, I love, I love him." Lucky for me, this guy is not only annoying, dumb and stupid, but he's also dense as fuck apparently. So there's no way he'll find out before I tell him the words, "I love you, I love you, I love, I love, I love Eren Yeager". The secret will be kept with me until I'm ready.' I read quietly for myself again. My eyes are widened in surprise, and my whole face feels hot. I can't get it into my head, it's like those words are stuck on my mind in repeat.

It takes me a couple of minutes to process what I just read, still holding her diary in my hands.

Destiny loves me.

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