Chapter 5. Goodmorning

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~Destiny's POV~

"Oh wow, she actually likes you unlike most people." I take the risk and drop the bomb, resulting in Levi giving me one of his death glares while Petra and Eren looks at us with wide eyes. He apologised but that doesn't stop me from messing with him.

"Either way, you have Luna for now, and I'm gonna go and elicit some more visions. Have a good night Petra, Levi." I say with a slight smile unnoticeable for Eren since he's standing diagonally behind me. I turn around to walk away, and out of the door with my loyal dog (Also known as Eren) following shortly behind me.

"Destiny, before you go, I think it's best if you join the scouts training sessions until the mission comes. Just don't forget our deal." Levi says while petting Luna who's sitting in his lap, purring happily as I nod.

Me and my loyal dog walks through the dark corridors lit up with dim lights, before he speaks, "So you did it, huh? I guess I'll see you at training tomorrow then."

I look at Eren and nods, "Yeah, but I'll drop you of at your dorm room so you don't end up on the other side of my door tonight like the lost dog you are."

"What!? I'm not like a lost dog!" He says, both looking and sounding very offended at my words.

"Oh yeah, sorry you're right... you're more like the tail on a dog. Me being the dog and you the tail since you're following maximum three steps behind me wherever I go."

Eren cross his arms looking like he's ready to come up with a challenge he'll regret later, "Yeah right. How about this? I walk with you to your dorm room, drop you off and then get back to my own dorm to prove you wrong!"

I look at him and cross my arms, our green eyes literally staring into eachother like they're having a competition of their own, "Alright then, be my guest."

And just like that, he actually took a couple of steps forward so that I'm walking beside him, leading me to my dormroom after he asks me for directions; and I proceed to tell him the directions while messing a bit with him by saying the wrong direction a couple of times.

"Alright, goodnight then, I'll see you tomorrow with proving that I'm not a lost dog OR a tail by not coming to your dormroom tomorrow morning and not  keep you company by walking with you to training." Eren cross his arms and looks at me with his face filled with determination, which makes me chuckle slightly.

"Alright, good luck to you. Goodnight then." I open the door to my dormroom and say goodnight to Eren one final time before closing the door and letting out a small sigh. I begin to get ready for bed, changing into my pyjamas, brushing my teeth and washing my face before I finally head to bed.

The next morning I awake after having yet another vision, deciding to write everything down in a notebook to remember everything about the upcoming mission. I get ready, change into my daily dress since I don't own a uniform yet, brush my teeth and hair and wash my face. I open up the door to leave my dormroom and to my surprise I'm met by Luna who gives me a meow to which I give her a soft smile.

"Good morning to you too Luna." I say as she strokes herself against my leg before following me to the kitchen to get my morning cookie and greet Levi and the others on his team.

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