Chapter 7. Out mapping

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~Destiny's POV~

I walk in to Erwin's office and close the door behind me, sitting down and placing my notebook in my lap. "I... I don't have great news about the upcoming mission. But I have noted the things that will go wrong and what we can do to change the outcome." I say and sigh as I look down, not really knowing where to start after tonight's vision that confirmed the information I got in the previous ones.

Levi seem to notice the uncertainty in my eyes and reassures me, "Good or bad news, we want to hear everything so that we can have as much information as possible to change the bad outcomes."

I nod and proceeds to tell them what I saw in my vision, laying everything out in the correct order as much as I can since all peices of information I get are very splotchy and doesn't make much sense until you think about it and map it out in a timeline.

"So, there will be pure titans on the way to the big forest we're using as advantage to fight the them in, of course. But another titan will appear for the first time tomorrow, just as competent and knowledgeable as The Armoured titan and The Colossal titan, the name for the new titan is The Female Titan. She has female features unlike any other titan, stands about 14 meter tall with shoulder length blonde hair, blue eyes, a bit of a curved nose and-" My description of her is cut off by Levi.


"Right, Sorry.. She has the ability to call on pure titans to eat her titan alive to confuse us. The most important thing I learned though is that just like Eren, The Female Titan is a titan shifter, and is a soldier in one of the three big regiments. She will also kill many soldiers, including Levi's team..." I say the last sentence a bit quieter, looking down in my lap where the notebook is placed, doing my best to keep my emotions under control.

They seem to be taken aback by the information I've gathered but still remain calm. Commander Erwin asks me to map everything out on a bigger peice of paper on his desk and I do as he asks me to. Once everything is mapped out on the paper, Erwin reads everything throughly a couple of times before nodding, sliding over the paper to Levi and then Hange.

"What do you suggest we do to prevent this from happening?" Commander Erwin asks and I think for a second.

"I'm not the one coming up with the best plans, Commander. That would be you or Armin. But if you really want my opinion, I say we let the titan shifters take care of this mission alone."

"Alone? And if they perhaps are after Erens titan, he's going to be all alone on the battlefield." Commander Erwin questions as I shake my head.

"He won't. I will be with him."

"Oh no, you won't be young lady." Levi says sternly and I let out a loud sigh.

"I have to agree with Levi, that doesn't seem like the best plan you've come up with."

"Just let me explain, okay?" I almost sound pleading and desperate as they look at Commander Erwin who nods. "Thank you. I've had the same vision a couple of times throughout my life so far, repeating itself and never changing. I never really wanted to belive it because it sounded way to bizarre."

"Okay? Then what is it about?" Hange asks in a mixture of curiosity and concern.

I think for a second, I'm gonna sound completely out of my mind, but I have things to back it up, "I'm the reincarnation of Ymir Fritz and I have the ability to shift into a tenth titan."

"I knew you were crazy, but damn." Hange says in surprise as Levi face palms.

"What makes you think that the vision is telling the truth?" Erwin asks and leans back in his chain, looking at me as he waits for my answer.

"Because Ymir told me so herself in my visions. "

"Or the brat is just schizophrenic." Levi cross his arms and rolls his eyes.

"Levi!" Hange says and looks at him before sighing.

"Shut up Mr. Clean , I wasn't talking to you." I look at Levi unamused, pointing my middle finger at him from under the table, Levi returning the act. I look at Commander Erwin, Hange giving up on me and Levi for the moment as she face palms, "I can show you if you'd like, Commander."

Commander Erwin nods, "Give me your hand please." I ask as he gives me his hand and I place my palm over his, closing my eyes as I share my vision with him. After a couple of seconds I pull my hand back and open up my eyes again, the commander opening his after a few seconds as well.

"Alright, I belive you."

Levi looks at Commander Erwin with a questioning look with a slight grimace added to the mixture, but with all the respect he has for Erwin, he remains silent but decides to give me a weird judgemental grimace where he narrows his eyes and scrunch his nose slightly.

"Thank you Commander. So what do you think? How will we proceed in the mission?"

"Well, I still think that sending out Eren and you all alone is to risky..." He pauses for a moment, "Was there anyone in your vision who was able to handle The Female Titan?"

I nod, "There were quite many skilled soldiers actually. But I think it would be wise to bring as few soldiers as possible. But the most skilled ones would be Levi, Hange, Mikasa Ackerman, Armin Arlet, Connie Springer, Reiner Braun, Bertholdt Hoover, Ymir, Krista Lenz, Jean Kirstein, Sasha Blouse, from the 104th Regiment, and then Eren and myself of course." Commander Erwin nods in response.

"Alright then. Then it's settled. Those are the soldiers who will be going on this mission. But let me ask, are you 100 percent positive?" He asks as I take a deep breath.

"I'm 100 percent positive with Mikasa, Levi, Jean, Hange, Connie, Ymir, Armin, Sasha. Krista, Reiner and Bertholdt are to see if a theory of mine is true from one of my visions. I need to test my theory because it would play a major part of our future if proven correct."

Commander Erwin nods again, "Good. Then send out words to them at training today. Make sure to prepare them as much as possible for tomorrow, and also try your best to transform into your titan form to see if the vision is correct about that." I nod at his request before standing up from my seat. "Have you been wearing that dress to training the whole month?" He asks with a smile on his face and I nod.

"Yes. My point isn't proven to Levi until tomorrow morning." I say as Levi rolls his eyes at me and I give him a glare in return.

"Gosh, you two are hopeless." Hange laughs before I say goodbye to them and leave towards the training grounds.

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