Chapter 12. The downfall of The Female Titan

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~Destiny's POV~

Free as the wind I'm running through the open landscape of the fallen Wall Maria, killing titans with the wind in my hair and really enjoying the freedom I've been seeking my whole life.

I take care of the last titan coming at the formation from South, before I feel fast footsteps approaching from behind us. It's The Female Titan.

"The Female Titan is approaching from south!" I yell, quickly taking a stance to defend the formation.

The Female Titan is running in quite some speed and she looks quite tiny compared to my size at 18 meters tall. But then again, she's only 14 meters so it's no wonder. She may hold an advantage because she's shorter, I know that since I myself have that advantage when I'm in human form; but I'm an Ackerman as well, so I'm confident in our victory today.

Just like we planned, The commander and the rest of the scouts continue heading towards the big forest. Meanwhile, me and Eren will deal with The Female Titan, as well as luring her into the forest to be as near the others as possible incase we need backup.

Eren starts running to the north-west to lure The Female Titan into the forest while taking another route to protect the scouts. I take position to "prevent" The Female Titan to follow Eren, to fight her so it looks like we don't want her to follow after Eren.

The Female Titan let's out a battle roar as she approach me, running in great speed towards me as I see how she gets ready to tackle me to the ground. I steady my arms and legs, as if I'm getting into fighting position but quickly jumping to the side as she attempts to tackle me down; sweeping her down to the hard ground in the process.

She gets back up on her feet and waste no second to chase after Eren while I chase after her, following after her and Eren into the big forest.

I run through the forest, following her as the distance between us keeps increasing. She's very fast which quickly makes me loose track of her. 'Shit.' I think as I look around in hopes to spot her, but she's nowhere to be found.

'She must've went after Eren. If I can find Eren, I'll most definitely find her as well.' I think to myself and let out a loud roar before taking a quiet moment to listen for a response.

After a few seconds, I soon hear Eren answering to my call with a faint roar in the distance. I waste no time to run into the direction of Eren's roar, and after some time I see Eren between the many trees, fighting The Female Titan.

I look around to see if the others are in the trees, which they are, and then proceeds to join the fight with a surprise attack to the back of The Female Titan's neck, causing her to let out a bloody scream before she grabs ahold of my hair and rips me away from her neck, losing my jaw in the process.

I look at her intensly as my jawbone heals back in a matter of seconds before proceeding to attack her to the ground. I use my fists to punch her hard in the face a couple of times before I realise that there's smoke coming out of her body. And not the smoke that comes when titans are healing, but the one that shows when the body is dissolving.

The shifter has left her titan. I must've been to busy with punching her and focus on her face to notice her escape from the nape.

"She has left her titan, we have to find her." I say as I look at Eren and then at the others high in the trees who nod.

"Everyone scatter and find the shifter! Keep your hoods down so we can find the enemy faster. When you find her, send out a smoke signal and backup will come right away." Commander Erwin says strictly as we nod, scattering to find her as fast as possible.

How could I lose track of her? Sure humans are tiny like insects when I'm in my titan form, but this mistake was my fault. I'll make it up to everyone by capturing her as fast as possible.

I run around the forest, searching for the shifter. Searching for something so tiny when you're so big yourself, really isn't easy. Luckily, one of the scouts seem to have found her as they send up a green smoke signal and I immediately run to the east where the smoke was coming from.

And entirely correct, there the shifter is, flying through the woods with her ODM gear, Survey Corps uniform and the signature hood covering her face.

I clench my fist and run up faster to her, attempting to mash her between the palms of my hand, but she manages to transform before that, letting out a roar as she turns around and tackles me to the ground, sitting on me as she punch me in the face back and forth without a break.

It hurts, it hurts really bad, my teeth are falling out and my jaw breaking as she punches me. She punches me in the eyes, mashing them completely, leaving me blind as I try to punch her back, but ends up missing her with every punch. I let out a roar of desperation as it really seems like she won't catch a break anytime soon.

Soon I hear heavy thuds coming near us before the heavy weight of The Female Titan on top of me disappearing. I focus my healing on my right eye so I will get my sight back, as I see Eren wrestling and fighting with The Female Titan.

I don't want to waste any second to retreat from the fight to heal, so I call out for Mikasa to cut me out of my titan, "Cut out!" I call out from the ground, using my strength to turn my body around, laying on my stomach so Mikasa can cut me out.

Moments later I feel a sharp pain in my neck before everything turns black for a second before regaining my sight, now in my human form. I use my ODM gear on either side of my hips to shoot myself towards The Female Titan, flying around her in my dress like a annoying fly to distract her before flying towards her face to cut her eyes to make her lose her sight, but she manages to grab ahold of me, holding me in her hand, her grip tightening around my body as she's crushing my bones slowly.

I look at her with a evil smile before I use my blades to cut myself before then transforming, making her hands explode because of the immense amount of energy being released.

I let out a roar before tackling her to the ground, laying on her stomach as I rip her nape open. She lets out a bloody scream before I feel my teeth hitting something rock hard. I don't stop there though, I rip out the rock like thing in the back of her neck, my jaw and teeth falling out and breaking in the process but I manage to get it out as her body is dissolving once again.

I pick the clear rock up in my hand, holding it between my fingers as I look at it. The shifter is inside, the cape is gone and you can finally see who it is...

It's Annie.

The Destinyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن