Chapter 13. The enemy.

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~Destiny's POV~

"Annie..?" I look down on the tiny, blonde haired girl inside the clear crystal, it's none other than Annie. Annie is one of the enemies. The one who would kill so many people, including Levi's team if we didn't come up with another plan.

But I don't understand, why would she stick to her original plan if she heard us change our plan for the mission yesterday? Or is she just actually that stupid? No... the Annie I know is smart. There's no way she didn't do this without a reason.

"Why Annie? Why didn't you change your plan to win this? It's like you went into this knowing you were doomed in the first place..." I whisper to the crystal in my hands.

I feel my emotions starting to overwhelm. I may not have known Annie for 3 years like the others have, but the month of training with her and the others really have made me attached to her.

Suddenly my vision dissappear for a second, and I'm back in my human form. I somehow managed to emerge out of my titan, but that's something I don't even bother celebrating right now. I get out of my titan, exhausted and my vision blurry as I make my way to the crystal. "Annie..? Can you hear me..? Please come out..." I plead, not even bothering trying to hide my emotions and keep my strong facade up right now.

Suddenly, I hear Eren's yell from behind me, "Annie!? It was Annie all along!? Get the fuck out of there right now you fucking traitor!!" He storms towards the crystal where Annie is stuck into, starting to use the blades on his swords to attack the crystal.

"Eren stop that!" I say, getting in between him and the crystal to protect it from him. "I understand that you're mad, but violence is never the answer!"

Eren looks at me in rage in his eyes, despite some uncertainty being reflected in them, he doesn't show it in his actions or words at all. "Destiny, get away from the crystal. Don't tell me you're protecting the enemy!"

I look at Eren in disappointment, "Enemy? That's our friend! There must be a reason behind this!" I protest, still standing my ground to protect the crystal and Annie from any harm. I'm positive that she can hear me from in there, and she'll certainly never come out if we act all barbaric on her.

The Commander, Levi, Hange and the others get down from the trees to inspect the situation, "Destiny. You told us yourself what she would've done if we didn't change our plan, why are you taking her side?" Levi asks sternly as I look at him in disbelief, turning towards Commander Erwin for some help in the situation.

"We don't have time for discussions or arguments. We have a mission to finish. We have to take back Wall Maria from the titans." The Commander sighs, crossing his arms before I shake my head.

"I understand where you're coming from Commander, but we won't be able to kill all the titans inside Wall Maria because there's a open whole in Shiganshina where they're coming from. We could head there right now, but we don't have enough soldiers or equipment for that." Bertholdt says politely with a look of sorrow in his eyes.

The Commander sighs again before he nods, "You're right soldier. Having captured one of the ten titans is already a big success on our part." He looks at me and nods, "Destiny, use your titan to get the crystal back to the head quarters. You're the biggest out of you and Eren. It's dangerous to have any arguments out in titan territory where a titan can appear any second."

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