Chapter 1.

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Minji never complained about the life she had, with parents who loved her, she lived a quiet life with her family in her apartment in South Korea. Her father was a financial real estate broker and her mother her a fashion designer who had just been hired by a large company. It was something to glorify but Minji herself didn't feel that way, she always felt like a teenager out of everything and everyone, be it at school or anywhere else.

Without friends it was a lonely feeling, and she didn't like it, Minji was always shy and had a hard time expressing herself to people, especially people her age ... but how long would that last?
    It was then that everything changed, when Minji and her family moved to the city of Kuruzu in Japan, a small town far away and hidden between mountains, different from the big center of Seoul in Korea where she lived. Her parents saw the advertisement for the house and how the quiet little town was highly rated in newspapers as calm and peaceful.

      The new house was big and away from the little town on the way up a hill, but very old, the moldy walls just showed how sure she was that her father, despite his good job, was a cheapskate who loved rustic and old houses. But something caught her attention, the house had two floors, poorly painted walls and many windows, she walked through the property and there were nine windows on the bottom floor alone.

    — After all, why does a house need so many windows?
    She asked her mother her but she said that probably the old resident did it for better air circulation. He could have just cleaned up the moldy wallpaper and given it a paint job, thought Minji.
    On the second floor and at the last door in the hall was her new room, simple but she did not expect anything after climbing the stairs. And look what a surprise her bedroom door faced one of the large second-floor hallway windows.
      It did n't take long for her family her to get organized in the new house, because they brought few things from their old home her. Even with everything already organized, the house still seemed kind of empty, lifeless and dull at that moment, it was as if nothing you could do to decorate it would work.

       Surrounding the residence was a wall that wasn't very high, which would be perfect for a burglar to easily jump over, but Minji believes that no one would go up the street and cross the forest to try to steal an old morbid wooden house as their new fenced residence. by dark oak trees. From her window all she could see was her new wall and her new private forest. That's when her father entered the room:
    —Did you like the new home princess?
    Minji turned and faced her old father smiling weakly:
    - It's beautiful...
        Her dad her sat on her bed and said, “In a week you'll be attending your new school and I hope you'll make some friends. Minji smiled at her father and said — It's all I want most dad. The man got up and smiled as he approached the window: - I'm rooting for you! After saying that, his father turned and headed for the door: — Before I forget, your mother told you not to leave the windows open, it looks like there are some squirrels around here and we don't want any confusion with the owners of the forest. Minji smiled at her father and said, "It had to be...
      The man left the room laughing and left her alone, that's when Minji turned to the window thoughtfully.

    “This house is a strange little place. Looking at its wall and poorly painted walls surrounded by windows, it seems that someone built this place in a hurry, and without any whim.

Sorry for spelling errors.I couldn't fix them.

        Hello, I really like suspense and horror stories, and this story haunted my subconscious a few days ago, so I had to write. I'm a huge fan of Junji Ito, the master of Japanese horror and his spooky collections. I'm going to create this story thinking about them. I want to make it clear that I don't own anything by Junji Ito and I was just inspired by him, and I decided to combine two things that I love NewJeans and Terror with suspense, haha why not?
        I don't know if I'm going to get the weirdness I want from this book, but I'm going to do my best."
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