Chapter 20. A New Opportunity for Everyone.

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As they climbed, the forest creatures were left behind, and all that could be heard were their cries for having been deceived by the group of friends. The mountain's silence was disturbed only by the group's determined steps and their laughter for having successfully escaped the first part of the challenge; they ran and climbed the street. Until they finally reached Minji's house at the top of the mountain, which now seemed older and scarier than ever.


Narrator's POV

The mountaintop was cold, and now they were all at the mountain's peak in front of the gates of Minji's new house. The gate was still open from Minji and Haerin's previous escape, and the silence inside the house was bizarre. So far, there seemed to be no problems and no sign of the monster.

- Okay. So the plan is to enter the house and check the kitchen cabinet that may or may not have a secret passage. Isn't that a bit risky?

Danielle asked in a low voice, looking at her friends, and Haerin replied, looking around.

- We have no other choice; we have to try at least.

Minji looked at her old house in the darkness and thought that if she survived this, her father would hear a lot of complaints from her later. It was always like this; Minji wondered what was wrong with her father in finding a more modern apartment or house, but it was always these rundown and bizarre places. Still, this experience she had in this particular house, she had never felt before.

Hanni approached Minji and touched her shoulder, worried that Minji's thoughts might be negative.

- Are you okay?

Minji nodded, sighing, and smiled at her friend.

- I'm fine, just worried, but we'll make it, I feel it.

Hanni smiled and nodded, showing that she agreed and that, even with fear, she was ready until Haerin suddenly said:

- Did you guys notice that the night is taking a long time to pass? It's been hours since it's been dark; it feels like an eternity.

Minji nodded and replied:

- True, maybe this has something to do with the creatures?

Danielle looked around and added:

- Well, honestly, that doesn't matter; let's just end this and enter that house!

All agreed in silence and turned their gaze back to the residence. With a boost of confidence, Minji started moving toward the gate, followed by her friends, or almost all of her friends. That's when Haerin said:

- Wait!

Everyone stopped abruptly, including Hanni, who shivered a bit but pretended everything was fine. While Danielle held back her laughter not to mock Hanni, Minji turned to ask what happened to Haerin.

Haerin looked at Hyein and seemed to be the only one to notice that the girl was unusually pensive, more than usual. Hyein used to be the group's other joy after Danielle, but tonight she seemed more like an observer of everything that was happening.

- Hyein, are you okay? Did you see something suspicious? What's bothering you?

Haerin asked these questions, concerned about Hyein, who was the youngest and got involved randomly. She was worried about her friend. Hyein heard the questions and took a few steps back, looking at the faces of all her friends. She seemed to have a lot to say but couldn't form the words properly, and everyone noticed.

Hanni became concerned about her friend now and approached as well.

- It's okay, Hyein; we're all scared too. You don't have to feel this way.

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