Chapter 17. The Forest Calls You.

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"Damn, guys, it's her!"

"But how did she know we were here?"

Minji asked, starting to get more nervous now.

"We have to bring Hyein here before the creature notices her," Danielle said with a trembling sigh.


Hyein's point of view:

I arrived from Minji unnie's house, and it was almost dark; Hanni unnie took me to the corner while we were coming back, eating candies and laughing. She left me at the corner of my street, and I got home alone.

It was fun to visit Minji unnie's house, even though it was a kind of old, well, very old house with a strange location, but what could I expect, the city is surrounded by forests. Speaking of strange things, Haerin was acting a bit odd; she was quite confident and distracted today. But maybe it's just in my head.

Decided to eat something as soon as I got home and then went to my room. The girls and I had a group chat, and we always talked before going to bed, but for some reason, that night, none of them sent a message, and I felt that something might be wrong.

I decided to read a book before going to bed and finish the schoolwork that had piled up, but my phone rang. It was a message from Haerin, calling me to meet the gang on the old forest trail near the school. I have to admit, Haerin doesn't usually do that, especially not at night. Still, I grabbed my flashlight.

And now, here I am in the forest in the middle of the night, looking for my crazy friends.

"Guys, where are you?!"

I shouted again, hoping for a response. I feel like I've been through the forest trail three times already, and my mind is filled with doubts:

Was it a joke from Haerin?

Should I be at home?

Was it crazy to come to the forest at night?

Why do I feel something strange in the air?

Is someone here?

I shake my head and feel discomfort in the environment, a sudden fear, regret, and a lump in my throat. I was about to shout again when I heard the sound of breaking branches behind me. Someone is coming:

I stop moving... I feel paralyzed now... the sounds of footsteps are getting closer... I lower my flashlight because I can barely control my body now, and my breathing increases frantically...

The footsteps stop... I feel someone behind me...

Someone pulls me to the ground immediately and covers my mouth as I squirm trying to break free. The person keeps the force and seems to be trying to keep me on the ground or kneel. My breathing increases, and I think it's the end, while I struggle as much as I can to free myself. It feels like someone strong, but I can sense that I am taller and managed to use my elbow to push them away with an awkward blow and turn quickly to see better:

"Minji unnie? What the hell! Do you want to scare me to death?"

I say, regulating my breathing and angry.

"Shhhh... it's here,"

Minji unnie replies, looking around and groaning in pain as she rubs the place where I hit her with my elbow.

"Who is here? What's happening?"

We were still on the ground when Minji unnie took my hand and pulled me to run with her through the forest to a mound of dirt a little away.

"Hyein, it might sound crazy, but there's a creature walking in the forest nearby. Haerin had been taken, but we've already recovered her, and she just needs to wake up,"

Minji explains in a low tone as we hide on the small mound, and I reply.

"Creature? What do you mean? Stop kidding, Unnie! Is this a prank, right?"

"I wish it were, but it's not. You have to trust me. Hanni, Danielle, and Haerin are in an old house a few meters from here. We have to get to them,"

Minji unnie replies as if it were the most normal thing in the world. Before I could respond, a sharp scream echoes in the forest; the scream sounds more like a cry of hatred.

"What was that?"

"Let's not stay to find out,"

Minji unnie said and pulled me to try to reach the old house while climbing the small mound. I saw broken porcelain dolls and old dolls scattered along the way and felt strange, and that bad feeling was coming back as we advanced.

"There, look!"

We climbed, and I could already see the house in the middle of the forest. Minji unnie pointed to someone in the window of the house, where I could see someone swinging the cellphone with the flashlight on. It was Hanni unnie and Danielle; they were waiting for us, hopeful.

As we ran and approached the house, steps were heard running through the leaves, something big seemed to be coming close to us as we ran in the direction of the house, that was until that scream of terror sounded again, and this time very close to us. Minji unnie stopped running, and I already knew that something bad was going to happen. We turned almost at the same time, and I couldn't believe what I was seeing:

"That's... My doll?"


How long, readers, I don't even know if you're still here. I finished my obligations and now I'm free to try to finish this story.

The breeze of freedom resonates in my ears like the forest wind...

Anyway, leave your vote on this chapter, and sorry for the spelling errors and for this chapter being short. Thanks for the positive comments; some are fun and really brighten my day.

See you soon!

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