Chapter 8. Will you help me?

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Pov Minji

Things got a little awkward when Hanni came back from the bathroom, it was almost dark and we were in my living room. Everyone was talking about something, but she still looked confused and thoughtful about something. Haerin, on the other hand, suddenly changed her personality and looked lively as she chatted and laughed with Hyein.
"Hanni are you okay?"
I asked as she touched the arm of the girl next to me, Hanni looked surprised but she answered me without making eye contact with me.
"Oh yes, I'm fine.
Before I could ask anything else, Hyein interrupted my thoughts by talking to Hanni:
- Hanni Unnie Gotta go home, it's getting late. Said the younger girl getting up.
Hanni looked at Hyein and got up too.
"Okay, I promised your parents I'd get you home before Hyein night.
I was sad that my friends would have to go and I also felt that there was something wrong with Hanni. But I didn't want to be invasive and decided to let it go, at least for now.
"I'll walk you to the gate."
Before I could get up, Haerin sat beside me where Hanni was and said:
- Minji Unnie, I wanted you to show me Teacher Satou's school work, the one she passed this week, is it okay if I stay?
I looked at the younger girl who was staring at me as usual and smiled:
- I don't see a problem, I'd appreciate it if you'd keep me company a little longer.
Haerin smiled back and I breathed a sigh of relief, is she getting back to normal? I thought to myself and got up from the sofa taking Hanni and Hyein outside while Haerin said goodbye to them and remained on the sofa.


In front of my house the sun was already setting and Hyein gave me a quick hug when saying goodbye:
- Minji Unnie was a lot of fun, we have to repeat that day, at home I was just bored.
I feel sorry for the younger girl and reply:
- I agree with you, it was great having you here with me.
I looked at Hanni and she still wasn't looking at me, it was like the floor was a lot more interesting now.
- Hani? Are you sure she's okay?
I asked again the girl who finally looked me in the eyes and suddenly abruptly hugged me. I was startled by Hanni's tight hug, but then I hugged her back.
- I'm fine Minji ah, be fine too.
Hanni said, pulling away from the hug and continuing to look me in the eyes, this was the strangest contact I've had with Hanni so far. As I thought and looked at Hanni, I heard someone cough loudly.
- Cough! Very good. Come on Hanni Unnie, my parents must be waiting for me.
Hyein said as she started walking and laughing at the two of us. Hanni turned and without another word followed behind Hyein, and walked away.


At that moment I didn't even remember that Haerin was still with me and I got scared when I felt her hand on my shoulder.
- Oh! Haerin, what a scare!
She smiled when she realized she had startled me and dragged me back into the house. After I closed the door and sat down on the sofa, while Haerin sat opposite me, silence enveloped both of us as it always did before starting a conversation.
"Well... I'm going to my room, get the work you wanted to see-"
When I tried to get up, Haerin stopped me and crossed her legs as she spoke softly:
- I don't want to see any work Minji Unnie, actually we need to talk about something that happened recently so I asked to stay.
I returned to my normal position and looked into Haerin's eyes trying to understand what she was feeling.
- You can start talking now, you made me curious.
Haerin sighed and began to scan every corner of the room with her eyes before starting to speak:
- Minji Unnie first, I don't want you to be mad at me, so promise me you won't be mad.
- I'm not going to get angry Haerin, just tell me what it's related to, what are you going to say has to do with why you're so different lately?
I asked quickly without looking away from the younger girl, who was trying to look everywhere but at me. Suddenly, Haerin turned her attention to me as she placed the backpack he had brought on the coffee table and began to speak:
- Minji Unnie, do you remember our bike ride through the city?
"Of course, how could I forget, it was fun.
"We both found that doll stuck in that old tree, remember?
"Yes... I remember, but what does that have to do with it?"
"After we had our fun and you went home, I went back to the woods alone and...

I couldn't believe what I was hearing Haerin was back in that forest alone, nor do I want to imagine what comes next. Why she did it? I was starting to get nervous and the questions kept popping into my head:

"What happened Haerin?"

- I took the doll from the tree and took it home.

"Why did you do that Haerin?! Whoever put that doll in the tree wanted her to be there, we read the note remember?

Haerin looked thoughtful and stopped making eye contact with me.
- Before returning home, I saw a woman in the forest.

"A woman?... And she saw you?"
- Yes, but I was going to leave, only she told me to stay and we talked a little.
"What did she say to you Haerin?"


Memories - Initiation

Pov Haerin.

I want to know who is putting these dolls in the forest, maybe if I take one of these dolls they will be missed. I burst out laughing at the thought of bothering this smartass who plays with dolls, and it took all my strength to pluck the doll from the tree without even thinking about it.
As soon as I picked up the doll I saw someone walking among the trees in the forest, I quickly hid behind the big tree so the stranger wouldn't see me, it was a woman, she looked a little older than me, but I couldn't get a good look. . start. her face because her back was turned but I could still see her beautiful long black hair.
"I can see you back there.

She said without even looking in my direction. I was a little scared, I can't deny it.

I left behind the tree and approached a little, that's when she turned and looked me in the eyes. She was a girl, very pretty, her hair was long and black and her skin was very pale.
-Who are you?
"Why would I say my name to a complete stranger?
"W-well, you're in this forest right now and so am I, so I better know.
"I'm the most beautiful woman in this town, and you're having the pleasure of talking to me, but looking at you, that's not a bad thing either.

I found her self-centered comment strange, after all, who does this woman think she is. I didn't even see her approach this part of the forest. I decided to continue questioning the stranger while she hummed without looking at me.

"?!... Okay, thanks for the compliment I guess, but what's your name?"

The woman ignored me and started circling me, not caring about my question. I was already pissed and decided to pretend to leave and ignore him there too, when I turned around ignoring the stranger.

" was great meeting you...bye.

"Wait little one, don't you find it annoying when people envy other people's looks?"
"What do you mean?
- You are handsome. Don't you feel like me?

I was starting to feel weird about the woman's questions, it was a confused but warm feeling crushing my chest. As my thoughts drifted away from me, the woman said to me:

"Forget what I said and tell me you don't want to know who left that doll here?" After all, you are taking with you something that is not yours.

- Oh? You know who leaves these things here?
I held the doll in my hand tightly.

"Perhaps I know, and if you want to know, come to the forest on the next full moon night.
She ignored all my questions and went into the woods leaving me totally confused.

End of Memories


"And now Minji Unnie, I want to know, you're coming with me, right?

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