Chapter 25: Spookily Happy

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Danielle caught the attention of her friends, and they began to leave the room as quickly as possible. At that moment, the monsters seemed to no longer notice the girls. Minji examined the creatures with her eyes, and Haerin then pulled her arm:

— It's over, Unnie, let's get out of this house.

The wind blew, and Minji agreed, walking with Haerin and the girls waiting for her at the exit.

— In the end, the only monster was the human herself, Satou.

**Narrator's POV**

The girls left the house together. The wind was still blowing strong, and, surprisingly, it seemed to be dawn on the mountain where Minji's house was located. The girls smiled in relief but still apprehensive due to the strong wind. The sound of the monsters inside the house could still be heard. It was when the sky calmed down, the trees settled, and the girls too.

The wind was gone, and the monsters were no longer heard, nor Satou's murmurs, but no one thought about going back to see what happened anyway. Satou chose that, and she would certainly be willing to harm Minji and her friends.

At the top of the mountain, the girls saw the sun and the day dawning, and Haerin didn't miss the opportunity to retort:

— Finally, it's going to dawn, how cliché!

The girls smiled, and Danielle lightly tapped Haerin's arm and said:

— But seriously, this was the longest night I've ever experienced. Was it just my imagination?

Minji sighed and dropped her iron shovel on the ground:

— Actually, I think it lasted as long as we had to endure.

Hanni sighed and leaned her head on Minji's shoulder, looking at the rising sun:

— So it's really over, guys?

Hyein smiled and hugged her friends, responding to Hanni:

— I think so!!!

She smiled and sighed happily.

Everyone was calm and tranquil for the first time in hours of darkness, confusion, fear, running through the forest, and everything else strange that could happen. Haerin looked at Minji's old house, which was being touched by the weak morning sun, and saw something.

— Guys, look who brought something we forgot!

The friends turned quickly to the house and saw the black cat. Hanni smiled and approached the animal, which was licking itself calmly.

— We forgot about you, cute thing.

The girls approached smiling and noticed that the cat was on top of the old book. They were startled, thinking about how it ended up here with the cat and how they had forgotten the book in the altar room. Minji picked up the book while Hanni and Hyein played with the cat, and Danielle approached:

— Minji, are you going to keep this? It's dangerous, remember!

Minji smiled and examined the old summoning book slowly and cautiously, recalling the night she and her friends had to face.

— It's dangerous in the wrong hands, but thanks to us, it won't fall into the wrong hands again.

Minji asked Danielle to hold the book. She went inside and came back with matches, and Danielle placed the book on the yard floor in the front garden. Minji, determined, struck the match without thinking twice and burned the book. Hanni and Hyein sat with the cat at the door of the old house overlooking the garden, and Danielle and Haerin were close, watching the book burn as it dawned on the old hill.

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