Chapter 11. The forest watches.

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"Calm down, Danielle is calling!!!

As I struggled with my cell phone which had now decided not to work and was ringing loudly, upstairs the creature seemed to have heard and was moving faster, it appeared to be heading down the stairs.

And my heart was already more than a thousand.

"He heard us, Unnie!!

Pov Minji:

I despaired when the creature's footsteps began to echo down the stairs towards the room where we were, holding my shovel in one hand and the cell phone ringing in the other I had to think fast, I put my cell phone in my pocket and held Haerin's on the other hand, I nearly destroyed the front door handle when I pulled Haerin out of my house. The front gate was pulled up and that made our escape easier, I had to mentally thank myself for probably forgetting and leaving the gate open, otherwise Haerin and I would have been in trouble. It was dark outside, and all I could hear was Haerin's breathing as we walked down the mountain in the middle of the street, all around us the moon lit up the road along with the few light poles on the lane and there was nothing, not a single the oaks.

I ran while squeezing my shovel and Haerin's hand.

"Unnie, please... give it a break, you're going to rip my hand off!"

Haerin suddenly screamed as she breathed tired from running so much, and made me look at his hand which I was squeezing tightly.

"Sorry Haerin.

We both stopped in the middle of the street and were probably halfway up the mountain in the middle of the night.

- My parents will never believe that... I don't believe much either.

- I know how you're feeling Haerin, do you think this happens to me every day?

"I don't know, Unnie, but you came out on top.

- Thanks also.

Haerin and I smile at each other, and now that I think about it, I've only been in this town a short time and a strange creature managed to strengthen my friendship with my friends, it must be a nightmare. After breathing for a few more minutes, I remembered Danielle's call, something happened:

"Danielle called me, remember?"

Haerin stopped and looked into my eyes as she nodded.

- Dani...

She made eye contact with the ground for a while, but before I could ask what was bothering Haerin, we heard a loud growl coming from the top of the mountain towards us, it seemed to get louder.

- Unnie!!! Do you think he is?

"Coming towards us, no doubt Kang.

I finished Haerin's thought and dragged her down the mountain as we ran and heard the growls getting closer.

- Let's take a shortcut Minji Unnie, we're still far from the main part of the city, maybe it's better to lose it in the dark of the forest.

I agreed with Haerin almost immediately, as she seemed to know what to do and knew the city better than I did, and she took us deep into the oak forest to try to throw the creature off the main road. All we could hear was one last loud growl coming out of the forest as Haerin and I walked through the forest trying not to trip over any branches in the process of escaping.

*** Some minutes later ***

Haerin and I had stopped running and were walking through the dark forest with our flashlights on, not saying a word, I didn't want to believe we were lost so I just followed Haerin without saying anything else. I took my phone out of my pocket every five minutes of walking to try and call Danielle back, but there was no phone reception in the woods.

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