Chapter 13. Revelations from the Darkness.

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Narrator's POV:

Minji was alone in the darkness of the forest, having lost Haerin while they fled from the mysterious person. Each moment felt like an eternity, and the nightmare showed no signs of ending. The night in the forest was oppressive, and it seemed like the terror had no end. Minji finally managed to reach the trail and stood in front of her school, her eyes scanning the surroundings in search of Hanni or Danielle. The biting cold enveloped her, and desperation was almost tangible.

Minji felt footsteps approaching her, and then a hand rested on her shoulder. Her heart raced, and she gripped her shovel firmly in her hand, ready to confront the unknown. In a swift motion, she turned around, and her expression of fear transformed into relief and surprise when she saw Hanni and Danielle panting before her. Minji let out a relieved sigh and let the shovel fall slightly by her side. Finally, a sense of security and comfort enveloped her as she saw her friends. Words were unnecessary at that moment, as their looks conveyed everything. Hanni and Danielle were there, right in front of her now.

Minji's POV:

I hugged Hanni and Danielle at the same time, feeling a comforting warmth amidst the cold of the night.

- I was so scared...

My voice in a trembling whisper. I felt vulnerable, as if the darkness of the forest still surrounded me. Hanni placed a gentle hand on my shoulder, offering me a reassuring smile.

- We're together now, Minji. We'll overcome this together.

Danielle was visibly concerned and curious.

- What happened to you? Where's Haerin?

I paused before beginning to explain the sequence of events. I detailed how Haerin and I were fleeing from the strange creature and decided to enter the forest to shake it off. That's when a mysterious individual appeared, noticing our presence and pursuing us. I recounted how Haerin and I ran for a few minutes until I realized I wasn't with Haerin anymore.
The disappointment weighed on me as I lowered my head, blaming myself for not being able to protect Haerin. However, Hanni interrupted my negative thoughts once again.

- Minji, it's not your fault. You did what you could to keep Haerin safe.
Danielle took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

- It's going to be okay, Minji.

We're together, and we'll find a way out of this. A momentary silence fell over us as we absorbed the words of encouragement. Then, the obvious question arose in all of our minds: where was Haerin? No one had any idea of her whereabouts, and uncertainty hung in the air.

- Where do we start looking?

I asked, looking at my friends for guidance. The darkness around them seemed deeper than ever, but the determination in our eyes indicated that we wouldn't give up until we found Haerin and unraveled the terrifying mysteries the forest concealed.

There was no other way; we all decided to return to the forest and retrace our steps to find Haerin. As we walked, a tense silence hung in the air. I held onto my shovel and flashlight, while Hanni and Danielle kept their cellphones on to light the way. As we advanced, Minji finally decided to ask what made Hanni decide to come back for her and Haerin that night.

- What made you think something was wrong, Hanni?

Hanni's POV:

I looked at Minji after hearing her question, and Danielle also seemed curious about my response.
So, I began to explain what had raised so many doubts for me:

- When we arrived at your house, Minji, I witnessed something strange. While looking for Hyein in the house, I heard a noise coming from upstairs. I became curious and thought it was Hyein playing a prank on me, so I went upstairs and saw someone run into your room, Minji. I reached the door of the room, where I heard knocking. I tried to open the door, but it felt like someone was holding it from the other side. I decided to look through the crack in the door and saw you in there, Minji, but you told me you hadn't gone upstairs and were in the living room at that time. It was as if there was a duplicate of you, Minji, inside the room. When I made eye contact with the figure, it simply disappeared.

Hanni sighed and continued speaking.

- I was terrified, initially thinking I was going crazy. However, when things started getting strange with Danielle, I realized I wasn't crazy and that something was wrong. So I felt the need to come back and help Minji and Haerin.

Minji was shocked to hear this story, her mind trying to grasp the bizarre duplicate that Hanni had encountered.

- I understand now why you left so abruptly.

Danielle also displayed a shocked expression, the disturbing revelations creating an even more intense atmosphere of suspense. The mystery was deepening, and the answers seemed farther away than ever, as the trio continued to search for the missing friend in the darkness of the forest. Suddenly, Minji said:

- Could it be that the one who chased Haerin and me in the forest was my duplicate? Haerin seemed very frightened, and she said she knew who was hooded and behind those dolls.

Danielle took a deep breath, looking at Minji.

- It might be, Minji, but everything will be okay. We'll figure it out.
I looked at Minji and Danielle and smiled at my friends.

- We can do it, Minji, ah!


Ah, come on, I took just a little while to write this one, haha, me and my promises.

What could have happened to Haerin? 🤔

I'm sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, and please leave your vote. See you later...

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