Chapter 22. Our Mirror.

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The room was now dark, and visibility limited in the environment. It seemed that the creature was almost entering the secret room where the friends were hiding; breathing normally was now difficult for everyone. The sound of something large dragging and walking slowly approached more and more until it stopped, but it was obvious.

The monster was with them now.

Pov Narrator

All the girls were hidden, hoping that the worst wouldn't happen or that one of them would be discovered. The sounds of the creature were very close; obviously, the monster was already in the room with them amid the darkness.

Minji took a deep breath and mentally pleaded that her friends would remember that it was likely the creature couldn't see and only heard sounds. Fortunately for Minji, no one made noise, and the creature continued to move around the room.

The environment was dark, and with the lanterns off, it only made everything worse, as fighting in the darkness wouldn't be an easy task, especially with an unknown being.

Hyein was behind the shelves with Hanni and Minji, but she couldn't tell if it was safe to move. She could feel someone's breath nearby and could easily tell it was Hanni, nervous about the situation.

In a quick moment, Hyein remembered the flashlight she was holding now and its shape. She had an idea that might work or might ruin everything, but either way, she felt responsible for all of this and had to do something about it.

By the way the sounds of the monster dragged, it advanced through the center of the room, and the shelf where Hyein was located was close to the door; she would have the perfect chance to execute her idea.

Hyein grabbed her flashlight and managed to find the location of the batteries. She opened the removable battery compartment of the flashlight and took a deep breath. This room in the house was dark, but upstairs in Minji's house, the light had returned. It was her chance to help her friends.

Hyein, without thinking, threw the battery compartment lid in the direction where she believed the stairs were.


The sound of the creature stopped suddenly, as if it had heard the noise. All the girls were startled, but the darkness and the moment prevented them from knowing who had made the noise.

Hyein noticed that the creature seemed to be approaching in the opposite direction from where it was walking before, and now it would follow the sound; it was her chance. Now that she had caught the creature's attention, she came out from behind the cabinet to run towards the stairs and lure the monster out. She was almost stopped by Hanni, who held her shirt, but it wasn't enough.

Hyein ran for the stairs in the darkness, turning on the flashlight and making as much noise as she could to attract the monster out of the room and give her friends time to break the altar.

- This way, weirdo!

She shouted and ran up the stairs out of the basement. The creature grunted and started to crawl faster and faster, seeming to begin following Hyein.

Haerin noticed Hyein's move and got nervous. She was about to shout Hyein's name when Danielle covered her mouth with her hands, preventing her from calling for Hyein.

The way Danielle moved quickly scared the cat in Haerin's arms, and it ran away. Haerin turned on the flashlight on her phone and pointed it in the direction where the cat had run, and it seemed to have followed in the direction of Hyein and the monster.

When the sounds of Hyein and the monster were no longer audible, the girls sighed and turned on their flashlights, leaving their hiding place as quickly as they could.

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