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The next morning the day after Christmas

Henry POV

I wake up and take a quick shower , wash my face brush my teeth floss and mouth wash then make my way downstairs to our kitchen I clear all the Christmas decorations and put them away locking them into a storage box then I make my way into the living room taking the tree down and putting it away as well I then put everything into the attic

Then I disinfect our whole house and vacuum once I'm done helping with that

I then start breakfast

Sunny side up eggs pancakes strawberry shortcake French toast yogurt fruit and freshly squeezed orange juice then I make myself a cup of coffee and Hailey her peppermint tea

I go upstairs and peek on the girls in their cribs which I find them still sound asleep so I take the monitor off the dresser turn it on and hook it to my pants then I peek into Henley's room

He's wide awake already playing with all his toys from yesterday

Hey bud good morning you sleep good last night I ask my son

Good morning daddy Yes I did

Alright buddy go ahead and get cleaned up and don't forget to brush your teeth when your down come downstairs to eat your breakfast that daddy made

Ohh then you can help me feed the puppy and give him some fresh water to drink deal?

Okay daddy I'll be down fast fast like lightening

Alright bud love ya

Then I walk out as soon as I'm about to go down stairs the monitor goes off to the girls crying so I go into their room I change them then get them dressed for the day we do tummy time once they're done with that I go downstairs to heat up the breast milk that's in the bottles and I fed it to them once they're done eating I put them both in their munchkins swing with the music on and let them relax

Then me and Henley  feed the puppy and give him fresh water and eat our breakfast with Hailey at the dinning room table together

We relax together to watch some series of jurassic World Cretaceous

After we're done watching tv with Henley
I put together some the things the kids got for Christmas and of course Henley wants everything out so I end up getting stuck putting everyone together after I'm done assembling everything me and Hailey end up playing with Henley for an hour with all his new toys

Once he's bored with playing with his toy he helps clean them up , while he cleans them up i snuggle back up on the couch with Hailey

So Hailey baby anyone reply on the ads for the puppy?

No they said that he looks like a stray then I called the vets and they said they never had a dog like this around here before so what do you want to do my love?

I say we bring her to the rescued shelter we really don't have time right now to care for a puppy and two little babies too. What do you think Henry?

Mhm I agree with you as well seems like the best thing to do she'll be able to find a good home

Henley looks up to us so mommy daddy were not keeping her?

No baby I'm afraid we can't care for her  we both say

Well okay Henley says then runs off to play with his toy cars

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