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(January 4th 6:15 PM , Vigilant Escapes hideout house )

Henry's POV

Here I am sitting at the large table in my study by the fire place getting ready for whatever is going to take place tonight going over all my paper work putting everything into detail so now that Jake moved he is no longer doing any work for us I set him free just like he would do for me , even though I'm not the same man that I used to be I'm still not going to be a cold blooded bastard towards my family ...

So now my crew is looking exactly like this

I'm the don I run the show and right along me is my mafia queen the dom Hailey

parish was my underboss but now he is being replaced by Jax due to his own personal wishes as well as my madre is no longer apart of us since I took over and Bret isn't apart of our world either but they still like to try and stick their noses into my business trying to solve everything as well but I think they came back to reality and realized I don't need their praying ears so now they just stopped interfering all together

I write on the paper Jax underboss

Consigliere is Luciano

Capos are Loretta,Leonardo,Filippo,Giovanni,Leon

Soldiers are

After I helped her pay off her grand poppy (Flippers) hospital depth and his nursing home care by making sure Leon would go there for me and take care of it him and her became closer which now they're an item (engaged after her and her last man broke apart due to her becoming too busy with her grand poppy so Leon didn't take no time not to ask her to be his ) after that she decided to help join my forces to help me end this madness as she would say
quid pro quo means making a certain kind of deal: you do this for me, and I'll do that for you. Ever hear the expression, "You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours"? That describes a quid pro quo: doing a favor you expect to be paid back, instead of doing the favor for its own sake. And that I did

I hear a knock at the study door I sit up and straighten myself out rolling my sleeves up a bit

I hear a knock at the study door I sit up and straighten myself out rolling my sleeves up a bit

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My outfit

Don Henry Luciano is on his way to Jax right now he should be here very soon I hear Loretta's voice echoing

Thank you Loretta for this information everyone else should be gathering in here soon but you can come in here now and take your seat I say while walking to open the door she then steps inside and takes her seat so everything is already prepared for everything tonight correct? She asks me

Of course everything is going to go perfect now what kind of question is that are you really going to underestimate me ?

No no I didn't mean anything by that question my apologies

Thank you

(6:18 PM)


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