0||29 Red Eye

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Jax POV March 11th 4:00 AM

I'm sitting up in my bed staring at my phone waiting for a call or text back from Hermione I haven't seen or heard from her since that encounter that we had at my office building three weeks ago. I grab my phone off of the night stand that's beside my bed I begin to type out an other message to Hermione. I run my fingers through my hair nervously thinking to myself weather I should hit send or not I reread it again then retype everything over again

4:30 AM:

Hermione ,

I'm really sorry for everything you're right
I should've came to you first about everything
I'm truly sorry for everything .
I never meant to hurt you in any kind of way
I truly do love you , please come back home baby
Come back to me you belong here with me right now in my arms keeping each-other warm I miss hearing your voice and your touch I love you and everything about you
I'm crazy about you ..

I know I should've said things to you like this more often when you were here .. it's just you know I show my love for you in other ways ... probably not always the best kind of ways either ... I know sometimes I can seem a bit selfish... and I'm sorry that I am set to be this way it's just ...
After everything before that happened with my past relationship I just set a guard up because I was Afraid to get hurt or better yet hurt you again like I already did so I'm sorry but I'm ready to show you that I can love you more unconditionally if only you will give me an other opportunity beautiful... please it's been three weeks since I last saw you heard voice felt your presence near me how much longer are you willing to go on like this?

I love you more than you can ever imagine.

I then hit send

I take a long sip from the half empty bottle of tequila that is laying on my bed

I then look around at my surroundings

my bed is covered with bottles of tequila and whiskey I grab the cigar that I have on my nightstand and light it once more taking long drags letting the smoke fill up my lungs I walk towards my kitchen throwing all those empty liquor bottles that I had on my bed away then I to go splash some water on my face

Then go back to sit on my bed in my thoughts going down memory lane

June 2021 southward towers , past memory:

Jax I'm pregnant! Can you believe it I'm actually pregnant we're going to have a baby omg I'm going to be a mommy and you're going to be a daddy !

Jax did you hear me Hermione says while I'm sitting at my office desk

Jax are you alright?

Yeah I just don't think right now is the right time for us to be having a baby Hermione I mean come on seriously especially with the fact of us just starting to run our own company as well as you being vice ceo how are we supposed to have time to care a child?

What are you talking about? Obviously we run our own business so I don't know I could like take medical leave for a bit while you get someone to cover for me then umm I'll just take the baby with me to work or whatever in my office in the pack and play we'll take turns or we can pay for a nanny we'll make it work

No no way in fucking hell you sound insane...
We're not going to be those kind of parents to just
Pawn our kids off to a nanny no Hermione having a baby right now would be impossible ... right right now just isn't the best time we can always try again in the future we're going to still be together I'm not going anywhere nor are you so what's the rush?

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