033|| Reappearance & Arrivals

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March 14th (2:15 Pm) 12 hr 30 min flight later ✈️

Me and Aria are standing inside of the airport with our luggage

Geez I'm definitely feeling jet legged now I don't know about you

Me too babe

Soo do you want to call for Lyft or Uber to get us from here parish?

No that's alright baby girl , I have someone in mind that will get here a lot sooner

You sure?

Yes thank you though


(2:18 Pm): Ayo H , you busy?

(2:28 Pm) Henry💰:
Wassup Stranger?
What you mean am I busy??

(2:30 Pm): I need you to scoop me
and my shawty
from the air port just touched ground out here

(2:33 Pm) Henry💰:
Dang bro glad to hear your back and alright give me like 15-20 mins
You got a Shawty?

(2:36 Pm): appreciate you bro 💯; nah man you know what I mean , I'm just vibing with that same chick Aria , we ain't official or none like that .

(2:39 Pm) Henry💰: Shitt! Well I'll be damned
You still messing with same girl
Yuppp you falling bro
Looks like I'm keeping my Rolex ⌚️ , that 5k as well as gaining 5k more 🤑💸💰..

(2:47 Pm): yeah alright not happening man I'm keeping my 5k plus adding your 5k so that be 10k on top of that I'm getting your Rolex because we still ain't officially dating so I'm still winning 🥇

(2:50 Pm) Henry💰:
Yeah, for now.
I'm outside at the doors where you at?

I grab Aria's suit case from her hand gently then mines and scroll them along the cold vinyl flooring walking towards the spinning door with her following behind me

Once I get to the car Henry helps me put our luggage into his truck of his Aston Martin DBS 770 ultimate volante

Aria makes her way into the backseat of his vehicle while we put the luggage into the truck

Welll Damn bro got a new whip I see you driving in luxury as always but shit this whip clean

Yeah I traded my Tesla in for this , because Hailey already have her own Tesla so I mean shit why not right? But she finessed a sale on the Tesla for her new Ben's

For sure smart move brother I see yous doing your thing I'm glad how's my nieces and nephews?

They're getting big that's for sure , they'll be happy to see you back , you plan on staying here for a while or? What's your motives

Truthfully man I think right now this is the place I have to be you know I got some unfinished business to finish here then I don't know  after that , honestly I'm thinking of moving back home and selling my property here . But the real question is why the fuck you didnt tell me wassup with my pops?! Like for real why you leave me in the blank you my bro so that shit ain't right man out of all people I wouldn't of thought you leave me out of something like that

Shitt let me guess shawty back there told you?
Mann I didn't want to be the one to put lay more pressure on your shoulder knowing you had shit to deal with already

Depths Of RevengeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon