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Aria POV

I'm just sitting here on my bed waiting for his reply back when all the sudden I hear my phone buzzing

(10:45 PM) Parishh 😩💋♥️:
Ohh dang shit you looking fire 🔥 ma got me over here 👈🏻 drooling 🤤 dead ass drop my phone when I seen that let me finna fix my self then I'll call your sexy ass

(10:46 PM)
You so goofy 🤪
But alright you go ahead and
Do that I'll be right here waiting

35 minutes later my phone is ringing

Phone conversation

I answer it Heyyy smooth talker

Hello Gorgeous I forgot to ask earlier how was work after I left hope Knox didn't work you too hard

Ehh it was alright I always work hard it can be a bit exhausting but it pays off

Yeah...  now tell me what's so complicated about your siblings or whatever ...

Well... let's start by saying my lil sis isn't actually my blood I was adopted by her family when I was young and lived with them my entire childhood they're all I known till I found out about my actual birth parents still being alive then finding out I have a brother as well so yeah I technically only have one sibling but you know in my eyes Ashley and her parents are more blood to me than anyone else and she's more a sibling to me and that's because I grew up with them you know ... but I mean I still got love for my real family too though but it's not the same ... idk if that sounds bad or not but ehh

No no Par I totally get it I agree ☝🏻 with you 💯% all the way because I have friends that as well that are more blood to me than my own and I feel the same way about that whole situation like you do

Shit well that made me feel a bit better because I thought I was just being harsh or unfair or whatever

Nope not at all , family comes in all different forms as so does love

Aww shit you made that sound beautiful

Well it is

I wouldn't know never been in love

What?!  You forever yeah okay you're a smooth talking handsome man and you telling no one ever been head over heels for you

Nah I mean like I never been head over heels for them, I just I don't know never been the type to try to settle down and I think that's because I always got nervous to get hella close to someone then they just cut me off and I can blame that on the whole not know who I really was you know I just be feeling like they will get sick of the real me and I just never really found someone I can be comfortable with and actually want to trust to settle down with them and be honest with them all the way ... but I don't know with you it's different , your different you me feel some type away and I think I like it you make me want to be me and open up to someone with my feelings I don't know you not like my groupies ...

Aww Parishh stop your making me blush , and I can tell your being sincere I'm glad to hear that you don't think I'm like your other Quicky links also I feel so lucky to have you open up to me I really appreciate it because not everyone has been 💯% honest with me before I been through some shitty ass realtionships that's why I decided to just put all that extra energy into business instead of settling down again I mean I had a couple of mean-less affairs but nothing more then that

Ahh well that's good to know shit so you been in love or something?

Nope I loved someone before and then he changed completely I thought I was in love but dang I was being fooled

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