031|| Letters to Jax

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Maria & Julian POV (Hermione Parents)
{March 11th , 12:25 PM} Sunny Valleys Medical Clinic

Me and Julian are sit on the side of Jax

Julian takes a paper from the table with the pen and starts to write es

What are you doing honey?

I'm writing a letter to Jax so when he awakes he has something to read that shows him that I really do think of him as my son

Aww hon that is a great idea hand me over one as well we both begin writing our letters

when suddenly a younger girl that appears to look no older then 30 comes into the room which to me she looks like a nurse she has a slim figure a slight accent light brown hair wavy hair that doesn't go anymore than pass her shoulders she has her bangs pinned in a braid , she also appears to have the biggest Beautifulest sky blue eyes I have ever seen she wears a friendly smile then says

Ohh good morning I didn't think that their was going to anyone in here I'm sorry but our you both Mr prescotts parents? My name is Chelsea I'm Jax's night time nurse and here with me I have Suzanne which is Jax's Phlebotomy technician she's just going to be collecting some blood labs and his urine sample
While I just change out Jax's Cather bag and fix him up a bit then we'll be out of your way

Oh that's not a problem at all and good morning to you both as well but we are Sort of like his parents you can say because we are his mother in law and father in law

Ohh it's so great ! To see a supportive family at these difficult times but I'll make sure to be as quick as possible so yous can have your privacy

No problem would you like us to step aside for a bit?

No no that's okay there is plenty of room thank you though

She clicks a button on the controller that is hooked to Jax hospital bed which makes it partially reclined then she goes towards the closet and grabs some new pillow cases taking the other ones slowly away , replacing them with new ones , she then carefully props them underneath him , she goes to empty his cather bag replacing it with a clean one then she hands Suzanne over  a small cup which appears to be his specimen container ,  I'll be right back I'm just going to get him a blanket out the warming cabinet she says while placing the blankets into the hamper along with the old pillow cases

Suzanne you can go ahead and set up that's fine you won't be in my way

Alright thank you

She draws his blood then wishes us good luck then with that the room is back to being subtle as still as can be the only sounds that we're constantly being heard was from the beeping and whooshing from the monitor and ventilator

7 minutes later Chelsea return with Jax blankets she then places it over his body

Okay now before I leave would you two like anything to drink?

No that's okay thank you

Sure thing she then closes the door behind us

Suzanne may I ask you do you know what caused him to be in a coma state Julian asks

Well according to his charts and the doctors notes

His oxygen levels were way to low which made him unable to breathe on his own so his body went unresponsive

Thank you for letting me know because our daughter is very vague with us , she doesn't want us to worry .

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