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Hilary's POV

January 6th 11:00 AM Casala Cafe

I go back to Henrys text from two night ago scrolling up to where it says January 4th 10:00 pm to make sure I'm at the right spot

(Figlio 10:00 PM) :
Madre Jax would like to meet up with you on January 6th at 11 Am for a brunch at the casala cafe to discuss things over about Parish

I make my way inside of the little coffee shop I look around but I don't see his familiar face so I order my self a coffee then I take a seat at one of the tables near the window enjoying the sunshine when suddenly I see the door open and there it is a familiar face he is just as handsome as he always has been hasn't changed a bit other than getting older in age which I can't even tell I think to myself

Ahh there he is the man of the hour just who I been waiting for , so how's everything been?

Ahh Hilary good morning to you as well I can see you went ahead and ordered without me that's fine um I'm sorry that I wasn't here to greet you

It's alright I'm sorry do you want me to order one for you as well I didn't mean to seem rude it's just I haven't spoken with you in years or seen you how long so I honestly can't even remember how you take your coffee my apologies

No no that's okay no need to apologize but you still drinking that same old ice coffee extra caramel 2 pumps of hazelnut with almond milk?

Umm yeah I actually am I can't believe you still remember after all this time

I mean how couldn't I you use to make me grab you one every morning before you went to class

Ahh yes how could I forget the good old days

Yeah they were some good times and bad and I still would like to apologize for everything I caused then

Hey listen it's water under a bridge now we're both happily married so it all worked out as it should've right I mean I do suppose your still with Hermione

Um yeah I suppose it did huh , he says in his rubbish voice rubbing his thumb to his goatee can you give hold on to your thoughts for like two minutes I need to grab me a coffee as well before we get further into conversation

Yeah sure I watch him as he gets up admiring him a bit wondering who he really has become after all this time

He returns back to the table with a coffee and two cinnamon rolls

One for you as well I mean we meant be here for a bit so why not snack as well

Thank you Jax still a gentleman with trying to please the ladies I see

No I just learned to respect my woman not that I have too many other than Hermione now he says with a joking laugh

Not funny Knox

I know I'm sorry but it's the truth but honestly she's great I'm glad I got her now but I just always wondered why did you cut me off after our break

I mean we ended it on good terms you broke it off with me the we both decided we wanted to remain friends atleast 
So why did you cut me out of your life completely

I didn't cutt you off I just got tied up with working so hard then I got into a relationship with Donovan then eventually married him and had my kids and I just didn't feel comfortable with needing to bother you I just seen you happy with Hermione before all this happen as well and I just didn't want to interfere with anything

You wouldn't have been I wouldn't of been trying to reach out to you if I didn't want to reconnect don't you think

Well it was too late to reconnect then 2 years later I had Henry I was only 17 when I had Henry and  2 year later at 19 I became married to Donovan and you became engaged to Hermione then when we both bumped into eachother you were married you said as well so it wouldn't looked good to be trying to be friends after all that now would it

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