032|| Surprise !

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March 12th, 9:11 AM ~ Parish POV

I get awoken by my phone going off

Lil Baby (Aria) ☺️ 9:11 : Good Morning ☀️, I hope 🤞🏻 you're up today is going to be an exciting day!!

9:13 AM:
Ahh, Good Morning Lil Baby, 😘 ooh yeah? What's so exciting about today other than some beautiful weather out here where I'm at

Lil Baby (Aria) 😊 9:15 AM :Well I might have gotten a surprise for you . why don't you?.. go out side and take a look see if it's in front of your front door 🎁🚪

9:18 AM:
What the heck why'd you go and do all that !??

Lil Baby (Aria) 😊 9:20 AM: Just go outside and look let me know if it's there.

9:29 AM:
All right , all right fool , just let me put some shorts on I'm still in my boxers and a tee shirt then I'll go
Downstairs and check 😂😂

5 Minutes later ⏰

I walk down stairs I then open my house door ,

Surprise !!!

What!!? What the In the world are you doing here? Like what? How the hell did you even get my address

Dang smooth talker I didn't expect that response, aren't you happy to see me?

Of of course I am I'm just taken back you just off me off guard I'm surprised as hell shit I'm happy as can be get your short ass self over here , give me my hug I want some sugar

She giggles placing a kiss on my lips wrapping me in a tight embrace

But really how'd you know where I live , you tracking my location or something?

No no I just asked your sister Ashley the last time we spoken and told her I wanted to surprise you she said that you needed some cheering up so what better gift could I have given you other me !!

None !! Shit you two be sneaky as hell together ! But I'm loving this surprise turn around real quick for me slowly let me get a full view of my gift I say spinning her around slowly

Mmm you're a sight for sore eyes

That sun dress compliments your skin tone real well baby girl

Thank you smooth talker as always

Now are you going to take my luggage and invite me inside I can't wait to meet everyone in person!!

Ohh shit of course they're going to love you!  I grab her luggage then guide her towards the living room

Why don't you take a seat on the sofa while I put your luggage into the guest room

Alright no problem ! But I was kinda hoping to share your room with you

Ahh alright that can be rearranged

Good !

As soon as I'm just about to head upstairs my mom (Eleanor) stops me in my tracks , who is that sweet beautiful young lady sitting on my sofa talking with your sister Ashley I haven't ever seen her around here before hanging with your sister .. I also took notice to the looks she was giving you as well as the one you were giving back she sure is into you...

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