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4 weeks (April 14th , Sunny Valleys Medical Clinic 11Am) Hermione POV

Jax has been in a coma for four weeks now.

The days weren't get easier for me to get through, as I keep letting my thoughts consume me. Into saying he isn't going to make it.

But Dr Zundar kept convincing me otherwise.
He would always confirm that Jax was still making progress everytime that he would check in. No matter how much time he is taking .

The doctors were finally able to remove his nasal cannula
, but the Intubation tube in his mouth remains, only to be administering oxygen when the levels seemed to drop low. I wasn't there to see any of this progress being made due to business matters and the spa booming with customers like crazy lately which has caused some issues for me lately to be able to make it to see him for the last few days , which has made me a bit upset but I did receive the call to hear about the news so that cheered me up right away, so here I am now everytime I finish up with work I make time to pop in at the hospital with Jax sometimes I still stay the night on the pull out sofa near his bed side just to be with him . But most of the time now the nurses and doctors are reassuring me to go home and get my rest they say I'm going to need it that I'm not going to be much help if I'm not rested up when he does fully recover

I think the worst part is me knowing that  his brain activity  isn't consistent yet, but his body is progressing which too Dr Zundar is a good thing he keeps trying to remain me that sometimes the mind takes longer to recover these kind of problems he always try to reassure that he is making great progress. So I try to believing having some faith

So here is am now making my way into his hospital room

Once I walk into his room I find a young blonde haired short skinny woman laying out some new blankets adjusting them on his bed I can see her name tag which appears to say "Lauren" I seen her passing the halls before

She then looks up to me and waves " Hi Sweetie, come on in, just got done fixing him up

I step inside and walk over to Jax bed side I bend down to place a kiss on his forehead, as well as place my hand over his and that's when I feel his hand twitch underneath mine .

Lauren? I just felt his hand feel like it was moving is this something new?

Yes Dr Zundar said that his body is starting to react to touch now for last few days I was told that they are involuntary muscle contractions which is like a muscle spasm

It could be a sign that he will be waking soon , but with not enough improvement with his brain activity yet the doctor isn't to sure and he doesn't want to confirm anything just yet .

I sure missed quite a few things I say with a sigh I look down at him still laying there with his eyes closed and I take a deep breath

It's alright sweetheart don't be too hard on yourself atleast your here now right that's all that matters plus you been here since the beginning give yourself some credit most people take even take the time to stay over night like you do they only check in here and there atleast your here Caroline reassures me

I nob and smile

She smiles back then gathers her things , before saying
I'll be back later to check back in but for the mean time is there anything else I can help with before I leave you to it ?

No that's okay thank you for everything you and your staff have been amazing at reassuring me and with giving my husband the best care that he needs that I can't possibly give him which makes me feel like I ain't much help in this matter .

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