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Tingles spread on his whole body, starting at his face where he still felt Felix's lingering kiss.

The winter air hit Hyunjin's warm skin, making him feel the bit of spit that Felix had left on his cheek.

He was sure he looked dumb, with the engine on and looking at Felix's front door, stunned and waiting with his face red and sweating like crazy.

But he wasn't able to move for a while, just trying to remember the sensation as much as possible.

If he closed his eyes he could still feel those pillowy soft lips kissing his face.

So soft.

It was as if a feather had kissed him instead.

Maybe he even dreamed about it, everything felt so good that just couldn't be happening.

When he finally started driving off, his mind wasn't really paying much attention to the road. Thank god it was still late and there was no one driving at such hour on a weekend.

He just looked forward and gripped the steering wheel tighter every time a tingle started going down his cheek.

It was as if his whole face was pulsating, a soft itch spread down, burning every bit of skin it faced and making its way into Hyunjin's chest.

He wasn't understanding the feeling, he didn't even know when was the last time someone had kissed him on the cheek.

A change in aura was so easy to notice once he got out of the posh neighborhood just to enter his own.

The tall marble walls, the pools, the so cared gardens and clean streets were turned into pure dust and vandalism.

Just like there was no one on the street before, now there were small groups of people dealing on some alleys and corners, some of them not even caring about hiding and just sitting on their cheap convertibles drinking beer and listening to music on the speaker.

Home sweet home.

Don was thrown over the sofa as usual, although there were at least twice as many empty cans as before, scattered all over the coffee table and the ground.

When Hyunjin walked past the living room, he stopped for a moment and stood there, watching the man sleeping with his head thrown back, snoring and taking deep and gross breaths through his nose.

He didn't have anything to stare at, actually. But the simple image of his father doing nothing but exist was very interesting to him.

How could someone live like that?

Was that even living? Or just existing?

He had never asked his father about what his plans were, if he had ever thought about doing something other than snoozing and flying from one shitty job to another.

It was just so hard to remember how his father was before his mother left them.

The memories before that were all blurry, Hyunjinw wasn't even that little when it happened, but his brain just decided to shut them off.

He didn't have a clue why.

Why did his body want to forget a part of his life? The one he had enjoyed the most?

And while he slept, there was something still lingering on his body. A feeling that had been there since he saw Felix disappearing behind that door.

Why did his cheek keep tingling?

Even in his dreams, he could feel the throbbing on his face, the blood practically rushing to the same spot he had been kissed.

It had been a simple action. Just a simple kiss.

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